Pro-Palestinian protests have erupted around Sundance, forcing the closure of Main Street.

The Sundance Film Festival, held in Park City, Utah, had over 100 protestors chanting, waving flags, and yelling, “Genocide Joe, what do you say? How many kids did you kill today?” Deadline reports.

Sundance gets interrupted by pro-Palestine protesters

They marched up Main Street in the snow while the police surveyed their every move. Also, the media circled the crowd, reporting on the march.

As a result, the road was shut down by police. One officer noted, “This could be couple of hours, but we don’t want anyone hurt,” regarding the situation.

This all stems from the war that erupted after Hamas assaulted communities and a military base.

Actress Melissa Barrera joined the protest. She was recently fired from the Scream franchise for her controversial comments. However, she stars in a new Sundance film, Your Monster.

“We fully support every single artist’s right to make art that they want to make and protest for free Palestine,” a representative from the Islamic Scholarship Fund said.

As of now, there’s no comment from Sundance organizers. They did comment several days ago, “While the organizers are non-affiliated with the Festival itself, the safety and security of our festival goers is always of concern to us, and we consistently work with local law enforcement to uphold an environment that is welcoming, inspiring, and secure for all our attendees.”

It’s unknown how long or large the protest will grow. However, as of now, it’s been disrupting the Sundance Film Festival for the time being.