Craig Robinson, famously known for his role as Darryl Philbin in “The Office,” has addressed the ongoing rumors about a potential reboot of the beloved sitcom, hinting at his openness to reprising his character but uncertain about its likelihood, IGN reports.

When questioned about the speculated reboot during an interview with AV Club, Robinson humorously revealed his limited insight, stating, “I only hear that when I do interviews [laughs].” He admitted that despite the constant buzz, the possibility of a revival hasn't been brought up to him officially. Expressing his willingness, he added, “If it does [happen], I would love to reprise Darryl at some point. But right now, I don't know. Nor do I think so.”

Darryl Philbin remains a fan favorite character known for his journey from the warehouse to the office and eventually landing a prestigious executive position at Athlead (later Athleap). His storyline concluded on a high note, highlighting his professional success, rekindled romance with Justine, and relocation to Austin, Texas.

While speculation about an “Office” reboot has persisted for years, co-creator Greg Daniels clarified in November 2023 that no official talks about a spin-off or reboot are in progress. Daniels hinted at the possibility of creating a “sister show” instead of recasting characters, leaving room for potential returns of original cast members like Darryl.

The irony lies in “The Office” itself, being a reboot and adaptation of the UK series. The U.S. version, which blossomed into a cultural phenomenon, expanded its narrative across 201 episodes compared to the original's concise 14, reshaping characters like Michael Scott (originally David Brent) and Jim Halpert (based on Tim Canterbury).

As the whirlwind of speculation continues, Robinson's openness to revisiting his iconic character leaves a glimmer of hope for fans eagerly anticipating a possible return of “The Office” and its beloved ensemble cast.