Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry has a knack for blowing people's minds. As it turns out, not even three-time NBA champ and soon-to-be Hall of Famer Dwyane Wade is immune to Curry's mind-boggling antics.

Wade recently got a few pointers from the great Tiger Woods on the golf course, and their conversation somehow found its way to Stephen Curry and his insane shotmaking repertoire. Wade admitted how he believes some (or maybe even most) of Curry's attempts are audacious enough to be considered a “bad shot” in Wade's book. However, the fact that the Warriors guard is able to make them almost effortlessly has forced D-Wade to reevaluate his definition of a “bad shot”:

“Right. I don’t know about you — you’ve been watching basketball for a long time. I’ve been playing and watching for a long time,” Wade started, via Robby Kalland of Uproxx. “But the stuff I see Steph Curry do, I’d be like, there’s no way, there’s no way them shots are going in and they be cash. I mean, how?

“I’d be like, how? But, in my mind, I’m like, it doesn’t really make sense. The fact that he can shoot like that and them is what we would call, ‘bad shots.' In our generation, that are bad shots. But for him, they are his shots.”

Woods could not agree more with Wade's thoughts, while also noting how he believes that Curry has “totally changed the game.”

We've all heard this type of praise for the Warriors star and this is absolutely nothing new. However, to hear it from two legends of their respective sports just serves as a further testament to the greatness of the one and only Stephen Curry.