Netflix's Castlevania animated series will have its fourth and final season next month. With just a few weeks left before Castlevania Season 4 premieres, Netflix released its official trailer. The two-minute trailer gives more details on the series' plot and story. It looks like we need to buckle up for an epic conclusion, as war looms on the horizon.

Netflix's Castlevania Season 4 Official Trailer

It looks like killing Dracula isn't enough. Keeping him dead will be the life quest of our protagonists for as long as they breathe. But our heroes don't just have Dracula to worry about. Carmilla's Night Army, assembled by Isaac, shifts gears into war. Hector's own Night Army as well sets its sights on conquest and destruction.

We didn't see Alucard along with Trevor Belmont or Sylpha Belnades throughout the trailer. It looks like we'll have to wait for the episodes to roll in to see them together again. But whether as allies or enemies on the battlefield, we don't know yet.

Netflix's Castlevania series takes inspiration from events and characters in classic Castlevania games. The fourth season will close this chapter of the Castlevania animated series. However, Netflix seems keen on going beyond Castlevania Season 4 with a new set of characters, reusing the same universe established in the first four seasons.

Castlevania Season 4 releases on May 13th, 2021.