Get ready because actor Jack Quaid says there are a ton of goodies coming in The Boys Season 4.

The popular superhero Prime series is returning soon. Hughie Campbell, played by Quaid, will be working alongside Annie January, aka Starlight (Erin Moriarty), in the new season. Meanwhile, Homelander (Anthony Starr) will now be with his son, who has superpowers — and much more.

Jack Quaid gives the scoop on The Boys Season 4

Quaid spoke with Collider about his enthusiasm for the new season and what to expect. Regarding a statement about bracing for the next season, the actor said, “That’s the exact emotion to have, a bracing excitement. I feel the same way.”

When asked about how the series has never been more of the same, he stated why that is.

“I think that’s a real testament to the writers,” Quaid said. “It is never more of the same. They always find a way to somehow find new beats, and they never repeat themselves.”

He added, “This is my favorite season that we’ve ever done. The writers have topped themselves. There are those moments that are big and explosive and gross and insane, and there’s stuff that tops even the craziest stuff that we did last season, if you can believe that. And then, every character is so much more well-drawn and the material they’re writing for everybody is just unbelievable. Personally, this is some of my favorite Hughie material that I’ve ever worked with.”

Regarding what he’s looking forward to fans seeing, some sequences can’t be missed. “There are certain moments in this season that, when I initially read them in the script, I gasped out loud.”

Quaid continued, “You need to brace yourself at all times when watching the show. I don’t think there’s any other way to watch it. We all know the drill at this point. You’re never safe.”

As far as the relationship between Hughie and Annie, the star said, “This season, they’re the closest they’ve ever been. Last season, it was so tumultuous, and I think it needed to happen. When you go through moments like that and you survive them, you come out so much stronger. So, I think Annie and Hughie are stronger than they’ve ever been this season, which I love seeing. I just love seeing the two of them not having to hide anything from the world and just being themselves around each other, being a full-on couple, happy as one can be in a world like the one we exist in on the show. That was wonderful, just to see them as a truly lived-in couple this season. That was such an interesting dynamic to play because it’s always so fraught, but they’re each other’s rocks this season, for sure.”

Watch Jack Quaid in The Boys Season 4 on Prime on June 13.