It might sound like he's going method acting for a return to his Frank the Tank character from Old School, but apparently Will Ferrell's surprise appearance at a USC frat party over the weekend has a far simpler backstory. Ferrell was attending Trojan Family Weekend at USC because his son Magnus is a sophomore there.

Still, seeing Ferrell show up to DJ a Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity tailgate party before USC‘s football game against the University of Arizona Wildcats had to be a trip for students and parents alike.

A few videos in particular of Ferrell getting the party going are having a viral moment on TikTok.


#uscfamilyweekend @@WillFerrellOfficial #uscfootball

♬ original sound – Lupitatwins


#usc#uscparentsweekend ❤️💛❤️💛 #fighton✌️ ❤️💛❤️💛

♬ original sound – Lupitatwins

Ferrell is seen clapping to the beat of Survivor's Eye of the Tiger and getting the crowd amped over the apropos lyrics, “Just a man and his will to survive.”

Ferrell, a noted USC super fan, attended the university himself and graduated in 1990 with a bachelor's degree in sports information. He seems to still feel comfortable making himself right at home on campus.

The potential sequel to his frat house comedy, Old School Dos, was scrapped years ago — but the filmmakers might want to reconsider after his weekend shenanigans. Frank the Tank dropping his son off at college but overstaying his welcome and reliving his glory days feels like a suitable sequel plot that practically writes itself.

Either way, hopefully for his son's sake, this particular night of revelry didn't end with Will Ferrell streaking down the street in the middle of the night.