Earlier this July, Respawn Entertainment announced that they will be revamping Apex Legends' battle pass come Season 22. Unfortunately, fans didn't appreciate how Respawn handled these changes due to its money-milking aspect. This led to an abundance of negative reviews on Steam and the players posting hateful remarks on social media. As a result, the developers resolved this issue by somewhat sticking to the old battle pass structure with a few tweaks.

Respawn Restore the Old Apex Legends Battle Pass

After all the ruckus for the past several weeks since their initial announcement, Respawn decided to listen to their fan base and attempted to restore order. They did so by bringing back the old battle pass structure with some cash-grabbing elements. Instead of paying real money to unlock the battle pass, players can once again purchase them with Apex Coins.

For over 20 seasons, players have accumulated Apex Coins from the battle pass to repurchase the next pass every season, given they didn't spend it on other items in the shop. It was a pay once and never pay again kind of deal if players only spent the in-game currency to unlock the battle pass. However, the developers got greedy and initially decided to charge players with real money twice in a single season.

Fortunately, the new structure brings back the ability to purchase the battle pass with 950 Apex Coins. But that doesn't mean the developers gave up on their attempt to make more money. Players still have the option to purchase the battle pass with real money. They could either purchase the Ultimate Battle Pass for $9.99 or the Ultimate+ Battle Pass for $19.99.

Full Breakdown of the New Battle Pass System

Respawn announced that two battle passes will be coming every season starting with Season 22. Here's what players can expect in the battle pass for each half of the season:

Premium (950 Apex Coins)

  • 92 Total Rewards
  • 1,300 Apex Coins
  • 1.200 Crafting Materials
  • 14 Apex Packs
  • 10 Exotic Shards

Ultimate ($9.99)

  • 92 Total Rewards
  • 1,300 Apex Coins
  • 1.200 Crafting Materials
  • 14 Apex Packs
  • 10 Exotic Shards
  • Instant Rewards: 8 Apex Packs and 1,200 Crafting Materials

Ultimate+ ($19.99)

  • 95 Total Rewards
  • 1,300 Apex Coins
  • 1.200 Crafting Materials
  • 14 Apex Packs
  • 20 Exotic Shards
  • 2 Legendary Skin Variants
  • Instant Rewards: 8 Apex Packs, 1,200 Crafting Materials, and 10 Battle Pass Levels
  • All Legends are Playable

Fans' Response to the Initial Battle Pass Announcement

Respawn posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) what the battle pass' structure would look like come Season 22. The developers announced that moving forward, there will be two battle passes, one for each split of the season. While it seems exciting to be collecting more rewards in a single season, spending more money doesn't sound enticing at all.

Initially, Respawn announced that there would be two variants of the battle pass for each half of the season. These are namely Premium and Premium+. Both passes have different prices, however, one common factor they share is that players can only spend real money to unlock them. Meaning to say, the traditional method of spending 950 Apex Coins was completely disregarded, making the in-game currency almost pointless to have.

Before addressing this issue, the developers were willing to charge players $9.99 and $19.99 for the Premium and Premium+ passes respectively. This didn't sit well with fans, which then resulted in a catastrophe. Apex Legends players showed their rebellion by spamming negative reviews on Steam and threatening to quit the game entirely if the developers didn't fix the situation. Fortunately, Respawn realized how badly it would hurt their game if they didn't have a player base to cater to.