Brawl Stars is one of the world's most popular mobile games right now. The game is celebrating it's 19th Season of it's Brawl Pass while nearing 5 years since it's global launch.

There's currently 69 brawlers in Brawl Stars, with #70 on the way. Despite so many brawlers, there's a few that just make your blood boil when facing them. It's not that they're overpowered. It's sometimes a gear, gadget, Star Power, or some other gimmick that makes them frustrating to deal with sometimes.

Regardless, you hate going up against them, and so do we. So here's our list of the five most annoying brawlers you'll encounter in Brawl Stars. Additionally, we'll add one of various ways you can counter them.

Brawl Stars' Five Most Annoying Brawlers & How To Counter Them


Bea is literally like the insect she dressed up as. Adorable, but unexpectedly dangerous. If Bea connects her first attack, then oh buddy you better start running. That's because her next attack will receive an increase in damage, usually enough to wipe you out.

But if you dodge that first attack you're in the clear, right? Nope. In addition to her deadly attack is her Star Power, Instant Bea-Load, gives her an extra charged shot. This gives Bea an extra opportunity to really put the hurt down on her foes. And did we mention her Super slows you down while dealing damage? She's extremely difficult to go against with low HP brawlers like Spike, Crow, or Tick.

How To Counter Bea: Brawlers with pets, like Mr. P, Nita, Eve, and Ash counter Bea really well. Nita's Bear swallows up damage no problem and doesn't charge Bea's attack. Mr. P's Porters provide extra cover, while Eve's hatchlings will cause her nightmares. Ash not only takes damage like a boss, but his Super spawns a group of bombs that Bea must deal with before even taking on the Trash Knight.


You're probably surprised we didn't add Tick to the list, but there's good reason why. His attack bounces off walls, increasing his attack's distance. As a thrower, it gives him multiple opportunities to hit you with one attack, even if he misses. It can be totally accidental, but Sprout can still hit you even if he didn't intend to. His Overgrowth Star power increases his attack's range, making it easier to hit his target.

Sprout's Transplant Gadget is a game changer. It gives him back his Super by destroying his current Hedge. But you can activate the gadget any time, meaning Sprout could keep a wall around himself the entire game.

How To Counter Sprout: Any brawler who can jump over walls, or another solid thrower should help you out against Sprout. The key to fighting a Sprout is the element of Surprise. They're going to use their Hedge to block you, if they can, so find ways to make them use it before you try anything special.

Additionally, any brawlers who can blow up walls are great too. Giving Sprout less cover to take makes him more vulnerable, giving you more chances to beat him. Just make sure to blow up their walls and maintain map control. If a Sprout has you cornered on your side of the map, it's over, Johnny.


Being able to silence your enemies, preventing them from doing anything is downright horrendous. Pair that with Otis' great attack, good range, and solid overall stats, and you have a nightmare of a brawler. Otis is good because not only can he cancel out close range brawlers, but he can defeat longer range ones as well.

His attack doesn't go in a straight line, which is actually helpful for at least charging your Super. Additionally, it prevents your enemy from healing.

How To Counter Otis: There's not many brawlers who serve as a good counter against him. We recommend long range brawlers like Piper, Mandy, or even Brock and Belle. The reason why is because you don't have to engage him in CQC, and have a better chance fighting him from a distance.


Spike with his Curveball Star Power is one of the best brawlers in the game. By using it, Spike's range seems almost infinitely wider. There's ways of avoiding the spikes, but in the heat of the battle you don't have the luxury to do that all the time. You're either too focused on someone else, or you just can't hit the Spike because you can't reach him.

Additionally, Spike can give himself cover that heals him if destroyed, and he can slow you down even more with his Mythic Gear equipped. Even if you play as a thrower and hide behind a wall, this smiling cactus can still hurt you. However, anyone can counter Spike.

How To Counter Spike: If you learn his attack pattern and get used to it, dodging him does become easier over time. It doesn't mean you'll dodge him every time, but you can maybe avoid some attacks here or there. It may be what you need to get up close and wipe him out. Additionally, throwers with plenty of walls can easily attack him with no risk.


Don't be fooled by this innocent old man. Gale, with all his Star Powers and his Twister Gadget will strike you down as if he were an avalanche. First off, his Twister Gadget doesn't just protect him from enemies who get too close. It can be the saving grace in a Brawl Ball or Volley Brawl match. This gadget alone changes the balance of so many matches.

Secondly, Either of his Star Powers are sure to give you a headache. Whether he's slowing you down (Freezing Snow) or stunning you (Blustery Blow), Gale is annoying you somehow. And after all that, he deals plenty of damage (sometimes over 2000 with one attack).

How To Counter Gale: There's no easy way to short-range brawlers to counter Gale. Throwers are nice to use since Gale won't be able to attack you. Additionally, fast brawlers like Stu can move quickly enough to deal damage and get out of the way. You can also try any of the annoying brawlers on this list too because why not?

For more Brawl Stars news, like a guide on Cordelius the new Chromatic Brawler, visit ClutchPoints Gaming.