In the first Captain Marvel film, the heartfelt reunion of Carol Danvers with her best friend Maria Rambeau and Maria's daughter Monica was a touching highlight.

The two shared poignant moments before Carol embarked on a mission to aid the Skrulls. However, with Carol finding a new home for them beyond Earth, fans have speculated about a potential rift.

In The Marvels, Captain Marvel and Monica are set to reunite, raising questions about the nature of their encounter—will there be bad blood?

Captain Marvel's relationship with Monica Rambeau

In Captain Marvel, the Rambeaus considered Carol Danvers a family. With young Monica even admiring her and preserving memorabilia after her disappearance. Monica was also the one who designed Captain Marvel's iconic costume.

Now, Monica Rambeau's recent role was in WandaVision.

During an episode where she, Darcy Lewis, and Jimmy Woo were in conversation about Avengers capable of defeating Thanos solo, Captain Marvel was mentioned. But Monica hesitates to discuss her old friend, once affectionately known as “Auntie Carol.” This hints at a potential tension since Carol's departure for space in Captain Marvel.

Is Maria Rambeau dead?

This attitude towards Carol may be linked to Maria Rambeau's potential “passing” before the Snap. This means it left her alone while Carol is off-world. Ultimately—changing the way Monica sees Carol as a “hero.”

When Avengers: Endgame happened, Carol joined the Avengers. It's possible she went to visit Maria during the five-year gap. However, Carol's off-planet endeavors between Infinity War and Endgame possibly got in the way during Maria's passing.

Captain Marvel's busy life

Another explanation for Monica's distant attitude towards “Auntie Carol” is the possibility that Captain Marvel hasn't returned to Earth since the events of her standalone film.

In the first film, Carol promised Monica a return visit. But Monica's reserved tone implies this promise may have been unfulfilled. While Monica acknowledges Carol's presence in the final Thanos battle, it could have marked Carol's first Earth appearance in decades.

Carol and Monica in The Marvels

Like most early reviews for The Marvels, viewers were hoping to look into Carol's whereabouts. Anything that could explain the strained dynamic between Captain Marvel and Monica.

Thankfully, recent trailers don't show the duo in direct conflict. Therefore, we can rule out a head-to-head clash in the sequel. What remains uncertain is how they will interact. Considering Ms. Marvel has no prior relationship with them and the two were the only ones who knew each other, it's a mystery.

Looks like we'll have to wait until November 10 to find out.