Given that we're headed to Inazuma soon, it's not surprising to see Genshin Impact leaks on the Traveler's Electro powers. We're bound to get it soon, anyway. And given that Inazuma will introduce us to yet another nation in the game with its own Archon, the timing's just right. The rumor mill has been leaking information from datamined information, and one content creator on Facebook compiled all information in one post.

According to the post, the Genshin Impact‘s main character can absorb Magatama Jades, which will allow them to recover Elemental Energy and increased their energy recharge during its duration. Magatama Jades can be produced with the Traveler's Elemental Skill. It performs three quick electro slashes, and creates a Magatama Jade when an enemy is hit, but only up to two at a time. The Electro Traveler's Elemental Burst provides a buff that generates a shocking bolt of lighting on enemies that get hit by normal and charged attacks. So far, it seems like this version of Aether and Lumine will be electrifying.

Do note that Genshin Impact leaks do not represent the final product at all. While some may be accurate at the time of their release, they might still end up changed in the final product. Furthermore, many leaks end up being fake, anyway. However, given the proximity of Inazuma's release, and the fact that Inazuma's Archon, Baal, is an Electro user, then this leak might just hold some water.

We'll never know for sure if this Genshin Impact leak turns out to be true. However, we don't have long to wait for the new update to come in and allow us to explore Inazuma with our own eyesGenshin Impact 1.6 comes out on June 9, 2021, coinciding with its release on the Epic Games Store.