Death Stranding just went free on the Epic Games Store but you might find yourself wondering: is it still worth it to play this game a full 3 years after it came out? We will be taking a look at Death Stranding's gameplay and story to figure out the answer to that question.

First of all, let's go through how you can play this game. As mentioned above, the game recently became free for a limited time on the Epic Games Store. This lets you get and keep the game on your account. Other than that, Death Stranding is also available on Game Pass, so players can play it for free. That is until their Game Pass expires or the game gets removed from the games list. If you want to buy the game, you can get it on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via the Epic Games Store, Steam, and the Microsoft Store. With that out of the way, let's now take a look at this game's gameplay and story to decide if Death Stranding is still worth playing.

Death Stranding Story

I remember back when Hideo Kojima first announced Death Stranding. He would now and then release small tidbits of the game, teasers, and trailers of in-game events. I remember this so vividly because, like many of us at the time, we had no idea what was going on. We were all wondering what the baby was, what those floating things were. Why was Norman Reedus naked while holding a baby? All of these trailers left so many questions, and even after playing the game, I don't know if they were answered.

What people have to understand is that first and foremost, this is a Hideo Kojima game. His method of storytelling is not what you would consider “normal”. Just take a look at his previous big games, like the Metal Gear Solid series. Kojima loves to write very intricate, fleshed out stories, all of which need your attention. I remember playing Peace Walker and Phantom Pain, as well as watching someone play Snake Eater. All of these Metal Gear Solid games had “blink and you'll miss it moments.” Not just that, but their stories are so deep, and often times convoluted, that it makes you wonder just what exactly is going on in his mind.

This isn't to say it's a bad thing. However, it's something you really have to consider if you want to pick this game up. Hideo Kojima knows how to write a story, and it shows. It's just that compared to other games right now with very straightforward stories, you will have to work for this one. Hell, when I first started playing Death Stranding, I was many hours in before I even had a semblance of what was going on. Even then, I was still confused about many things. If you want to play a game, that will make you think, make you question what you know, and oftentimes make you go “What the hell?”, then this game is right up your alley.

If it wasn't already obvious, I don't want to go into a deepdive of this game's story. I wouldn't do it justice, and I would definitely need more than one article to do it. Instead, I highly suggest that if you do decide to pick this game up, then don't skip cutscenes or conversations. Prepare yourself for long expositions, and mind-numbing voice lines (thankfully the game is fully voiced). You will need every bit of info that you can get.

Of course, that's not the only basis for whether you should play a game or not. After taking a look at Death Stranding's story, let's take a look at its gameplay.

Death Stranding Gameplay

At this point in time, I'm willing to bet that you have heard of this game's infamous gameplay. A lot of players, both those who've played it, those who haven't, will call this game a Walking Simulator. After playing the game, I can say that there is some truth to that claim. In Death Stranding, you play as Sam Porter Bridges, a courier. Couriers, as their job description goes, go from one place to another, bringing with them messages, packages, or more. Seeing how a cataclysm basically wiped out any roads or pathways that you might use, you really will be walking a lot.

Yes, various vehicles exist in this game. However, for the most part, you really will be walking. Yes, there are times when you will be fighting MULEs, or package stealers, but you will still e walking. yes, you will have to contend against the various entities that roam the land but at the end of the day, you will still be walking. It's no wonder, of course, that quite a lot of people either seriously or jokingly call this game a Glorified Walking Simulator.

That begs the question though: Does that mean this game boring? For the most part? No, it really doesn't. Yes, you will be doing a lot of walking. However, it's not like there is only one true path to get from point A to point B. To an extent, this game rewards exploration, so looking for creative ways to deliver your packages is rewarded. Not only that, but the game itself feels alive, even if you don't see other people. Whenever you leave behind a rope, a ladder, or even a bridge, there is a chance that other players will encounter it in their world. This feature of building things that will help not just you, but other players as well, really adds some life to the otherwise monotonous gameplay.

What's even funnier is that this game even manages to make walking challenging and interesting. The more things you have on you, the harder it becomes to walk. Having to find your balance, shift your weight, and more really adds a twist to walking. Walking in a straight line like with most open-world games is no longer an option. Every meter you walk toward your objectives needs to be perfectly planned, and properly executed. Sneaking past enemies, both seen and unseen, is a must, because combat is not always the best option for you. Having to find the best footholds, most shallow streams, and more become so much more important compared exploration in other games.

In short, although this game is basically a walking simulator, they managed to add difficulty and challenge to it, something that is very surprising.

Should you play Death Stranding?

So let's summarize this article and answer the question you probably had going into this: Is it worth it to play Death Stranding? My answer is a resounding YES. Death Stranding is a beautiful game, excelling in its scenery, story, character designs, voice acting, and more. Although we can't deny that the game is one huge walking simulator, it does enough to change the formula up a bit, making your walking actually challenging. Although the story will get confusing every so often just stick through with it. Understanding the plot at the end makes it worth it. Overall, I highly recommend that you play this game. You will not regret it. Also, Death Stranding 2 is coming out in the future, so all the more reason to play it and get caught up with the story.

That's all on whether or not it's worth it to play Death Stranding. If you want to stay updated on gaming news, you can check out our gaming news articles.