In a landmark ruling, two men have been convicted of the murder of hip-hop legend Jam Master Jay, whose real name was Jason Mizell, more than two decades after his tragic death in 2002, per BBC.

Karl Jordan Jr., 40, identified as Jay’s godson, and Ronald Washington, 59, a childhood friend of the Run-DMC star, were found guilty of targeting Mizell at his recording studio in Queens, New York City. The trial revealed that the motive behind the murder stemmed from a drug deal, from which both men had been excluded.

The court heard that Mizell, aged 37 at the time of his death, was shot in the head on October 30, 2002. The guilty verdict carries a potential sentence of 20 years to life in prison for each defendant.

Washington, visibly upset by the ruling, lashed out at the jury, exclaiming, “Y’all just killed two innocent people,” while Jordan’s supporters also erupted in anger, cursing the jury.

Run-DMC, formed by Jason Mizell along with Joseph Simmons and Darryl McDaniels, rose to prominence as one of the most influential hip-hop groups of all time in the 1980s. Hits like “It’s Tricky” and “Walk This Way,” a collaboration with Aerosmith, cemented their place in music history.

Despite their public stance against drug use, Jam Master Jay turned to cocaine trafficking as the group’s popularity waned in the 1990s, leading to the events that culminated in his tragic murder.

Prosecutors argued that Jordan and Washington were enraged after being excluded from a drug deal worth nearly $200,000, ultimately leading to the fatal shooting.

Following the verdict, Jay’s cousin, Carlis Thompson, expressed relief that justice had finally been served after more than two decades. “Jason himself was an amazing talent. Life ended far, far too soon, and I’m just glad that justice was served,” Thompson stated outside the courtroom, reflecting on the closure brought by the resolution of the case.