Aaron Rodgers has been vocal about his goal to win the Super Bowl with the New York Jets, and while it may have been annoyingly repetitive for some, the superstar QB emphasized that it's his way of manifesting it.

The 39-year-old signal-caller firmly believes  they have what it takes to reach the promised land and win it all. But at the end of the day, one player believing in it isn't enough. The NFL is a team sport, and Rodgers knows that he and the rest of the Jets have to be on the same page if they want to get through all the obstacles that the 2023 season will throw on their way.

“There's a part of that is speaking things into existence, the idea of a manifestation,” Rodgers told reporters when asked why he always talks about their Super Bowl aspirations, per Jori Epstein of Yahoo Sports. “The other part is a realistic look at the locker room knowing that there's anywhere from six to 12 teams every year that can probably do it and we're one of those six to 12.”

The Jets have absolutely reloaded this offseason, with the trade for Aaron Rodgers from the Green Bay Packers being their biggest move. With that said, there's every reason to believe New York can break their 12-year playoff drought and even contend for the Super Bowl.

But after years of mediocrity in the franchise, Rodgers also understand that bad habits die hard. The current roster doesn't know what it takes to win at the highest level, so as Rodgers said, it's crucial for them to set their goals and keep repeating it until they actually make it happen.

Hopefully for Rodgers and the Jets, that Super Bowl talk becomes more than just that.