There are plenty of stories on what it's like to work for someone like Vince McMahon. The WWE CEO is now the boss of former UFC commentator Jimmy Smith.

Jimmy Smith recently talked about working with the WWE CEO and how involved he actually is behind the scenes. Vince McMahon actually attends the production meetings and speaks with Smith before every show. Smith spoke about it on Throwing Down w/ Renee & Miesha.

“We go to the production meeting before every show,” the WWE commentator said. “We talk about what’s going on, what the thought process is behind everything, and what the psychology is behind everything. That meeting lays out how the show is supposed to go, here’s what we’re thinking and all that stuff. After that, once I’m on air, generally I’m allowed to just completely do whatever I need to do. If there’s something he needs to jump in and say, he does it, but it’s pretty much the meetings before the show that is when the vast majority of the interactions happen in that meeting.”

It is very different for Jimmy Smith to work with WWE and pro wrestling. He's worked some of the biggest shows in MMA with Bellator and the UFC.

“The weird part is when it comes to MMA, it’s not a show,” the WWE man continued. “I’m calling an event, and the event and the show are two different things. I know that’s hard to understand. I’m sitting there and two people are fighting. When they start, when they end, and how they fight have nothing to do with me. If they get there, they lay an egg, and they suck, it’s not really my problem. Or if they have a banger, I’m kind of along for the ride, but the show and the fight are separate things. On RAW, they’re all together, so I’m part of the show and the show is a part of me, and I’m part of making that show. It’s a really different experience. Seeing them do what they do, I tell a lot of people that I’m lucky I got into this when I was like 43. When they take these bumps, I’m sitting there going, ‘Oh my God. That would kill me.’ I’m not 25 anymore. I can’t take somebody slamming me on the steps.”

Jimmy Smith has always been beloved as a commentator and that continues with WWE. Vince McMahon will be happy to continue working with him.