When Kyedae first announced her cancer, fans flocked to show their support for the loved streamer. Now, months after the announcement, Kyedae announced that she was “officially off” of chemo, and that things are looking up for her.

During a recent livestream on Kyedae's Twitch Channel, she happily announced to her viewers that she was off of her chemotherapy.

I am officially off of chemotherapy now. It is something that, before I wanted to share with you guys, I wanted to make sure 100% that it was done and over with. It does not mean that all of my treatment is done yet, but for now, my hair has started to grow back.

Kyedae's fans are obviously overjoyed by the news. After all, she has been fighting cancer for at least six months. Not only that, but chemotherapy is very rough for the patient. Being off chemo is basically the best news Kyedae and her fans can get.

As mentioned, this doesn't mean that the treatment is done. She will likely have a follow-up cancer care plan to ensure the cancer is going away. This will likely take a while so we can expect another update about her situation in a few months.

Kyedae's cancer announcement, as well as her starting chemo, was met with words of support. These words came both from fans and other streamers. In fact, when Kyedae went bald back in April, fellow streamer Daphne (@39daph) shaved her hair as well in solidarity. Despite the challenges that cancer brought, Kyedae has done her best to remain positive. In fact, when she accepted an award during the Streamer Awards in March, Kyedae joked that it was her “make-a-wish” to win the award.

Hopefully, the end of Kyedae's chemo will only be the start of a string of good news for the streamer. We'll just have to wait for more news. Should there be more updates about her health, we will be sure to let you know.

That's all the information we have about Kyedae officially being off chemo. Check out our gaming news articles for the latest in gaming news.