Lil Tay, the once controversial and enigmatic social media sensation, has resurfaced after a five-year absence from the media spotlight. In a candid and emotionally charged Instagram Live session, the now 16-year-old artist got brutally honest about the reasons behind her media disappearance that circulates around her father. This was followed after the release of Lil Tay’s new song and music video, “SUCKER 4 GREEN.”
During the live session, Lil Tay took a slide-show mode of sharing her story by preparing papers and printed pictures of the evidences she had prepared. The reveal consisted of her dad and his present wife and how they had been the cause of her trauma as a child. “Five years ago, I became famous and my abusive, absentee father who had not been in my life for years up to that point, decided to come back into my life to take control of my career and my money,” the child-star said. “He started a court case to silence me so I could not speak on what was happening and so he could take control over my money.”
The entirety of her explanation revolved around what she had to endure as a child from her father and his new wife. The themes were a disturbing compilation of child abuse, inappropriate sexual conduct, and neglect over Lil Tay’s well being.
While netizens went to her side to sympathize with her, some are skeptical over the comeback especially due to Lil Tay’s fake death rumors. Additionally, Lil Tay is not yet of legal age so that means that she is still under the care of someone. Though, it is clear to see that she has definitely grown enough to speak on matters which have affected her entire life, and now her career.