The Detroit Lions are one of 12 NFL teams that have never won a Super Bowl, but they are looking to change that this season. For the first time in a long time, there is hope in Detroit amongst Lions fans, and for good reason. Detroit knocked off the reigning Super Bowl champs on the road in week one, and they are now 5-1 on the season. This team is already beginning to pull away in the NFC North, and they are looking like one of the best teams in the league right now. This fan base has been through some tough times, and they haven't seen the Lions win a playoff game in around 30 years. They are Super Bowl contenders this year, and if they do win it, it's going to be a special sight.

One fan on Twitter was wondering what it would look like if the Lions did end up winning the Super Bowl, so they asked AI to create some images. The result is something else.

For some reason, AI thinks that Lions fan would take to the Detroit River for their celebration. Southeastern Michigan doesn't typically produce swimming weather in February, but there are likely some Lions fans out there that would take a February swim if it meant that their team was going to win the Super Bowl.

Over the summer, Lions star Kerby Joseph changed his Twitter handle to “ZUPER BOWL KERB”, and perhaps that gives an insight to the confidence that this Lions team has.

There is still a long ways to go in the season, but so far so good for Detroit on their quest for their first Super Bowl.