The time has come for Might and Magic X‘s online servers to shut down.

As reported a few months ago, Ubisoft has decided to shut down the online servers of multiple of their older games to save resources for some of their more recent titles. The long list of games includes Might & Magic X, whose online services ceased this June.

As part of the server shut down, online multiplayer has been disabled. Players also can no longer purchase DLCs, although those who have owned the DLC prior to the shutdown were supposed to retain access to the DLC. However, that's not what happened. As many players have reported, Might & Magic X‘s single-player has become broken past Act I, absolutely unplayable. The DLC – The Falcon and the Unicorn, has also become inaccessible.

These unfortunate circumstances surely only affect a small portion of the overall gaming population. However, we still do hope that Ubisoft can fix this issue immediately. They wouldn't want to jeopardize their relationship with some of their most loyal fans (Might & Magic X – Legacy came out in 2013).

Thankfully, some people at Reddit have found a way to work past these problems. It only takes a bit of editing in some of the game's files. In spite of this workaround by the community, though, we hope that Ubisoft still release an official fix to this problem.