A sexual assault lawsuit has been filed against Sean Combs, also known as Diddy, for the second time, Deadline reported.

Just last week, Combs settled with the singer Cassie, who sued him for repeated sexual assault, physical abuse and trafficking. The terms of the settlement were not released.

This time, Joi Dickerson-Neal is the one accusing the rap mogul of sexually assaulting her in 1991. She also claimed that Diddy drugged her and then committed “revenge porn.” Dickerson-Neal further claimed that the incident left her with “substantial and lifetime injuries.”

In 1991, she was a Syracuse University student who briefly appeared on one of Combs' music videos. Dickerson-Neal said that went on a dinner date that ended with her being “intentionally drugged.” Her lawsuit claimed that this left her “in a physical state where she could not independently stand or walk.”

Combs' spokesperson told the media that Dickerson-Neal's claims were “made up and not credible” as well as “purely a money grab.”

The lawsuit also names Bad Boy Entertainment and Sean Combs' other companies. Dickerson-Neal's claims fall under New York's Adult Survivors Act.

The New York ASA, signed last year, “empowers survivors of sexual offenses that occurred when they were over the age of 18 to file suit regardless of when abuse occurred” and gives a one-year lookback window, according the the New York Governor's Office.

That lookback window expired Thursday.

Several prominent men have been accused of sexual assault as the ASA deadline was set to expire, including Jamie Foxx, Axl Rose, and Cuba Gooding Jr.