Sangonomiya Kokomi will be releasing in just a couple of hours. You might have already made up your mind. But in case you haven't yet, here are some points to consider if you're thinking about pulling for Sangonomiya Kokomi. Remember, you still have a couple of hours before Raiden Shogun goes away, for now, so think long and hard about this.

So, is it worth pulling for Kokomi, or is it wiser to save our gems in the meanwhile? This article will guide you to make this decision a lot easier.

Why you should pull for Kokomi

Kokomi has also made hype for herself, as players realized they needed someone else other than Xingqiu or Mona as their Hydro support. Kokomi’s specialty is being a very versatile Hydro character, who can fully commit to being a support or a main DPS. Her high sustain and utility is something only she can provide, while her DPS builds pack a potent punch that can trivialize difficult content. If you have Primogems to spare, here are the reasons why you should pull for Kokomi:

  1. You need a strong Hydro support
  2. You need a strong Hydro carry
  3. You like to have units with versatility
  4. You like Kokomi’s design and/or gameplay
  5. You are not interested in any of the other upcoming banners

Why you should save your Primogems instead

If Kokomi doesn’t fancy you, there are still a lot of good reasons to save your Primogems in the meanwhile. It’s possible that some of the major story characters could arrive in the near future, like Yae Miko and Thoma. It is also possible that reruns will return again, and the top meta characters like Ganyu and Hu Tao will have a chance to appear. If you don’t want to miss out on these, it’s probably a good idea to skip pulling on Kokomi. There are also a couple of reasons to save your Primogems, and these are:

  1. You are anticipating or future banners
  2. You don’t like Kokomi’s design and/or gameplay
  3. You don’t need another Hydro support/DPS
  4. You can’t make use of Kokomi in your team comps
  5. You don’t like catalyst users

Kokomi’s banner is coming fast, so players will have to make an immediate decision on which character they'd like to get their copium from. If you gearing up to get Kokomi, here’s an in-depth guide on how to build her, including what ideal weapons and artifacts you need to prepare: