Whatever the next stop is in the career of Ben Simmons is anyone's guess at the moment. He has made it clear to the Philadelphia 76ers that he will not return to the team and will hold out of training camp if need be. The ball is in the Sixers' court.

BetOnline decided to go troll mode in offering some realistic odds as to where Simmons could end up if the Sixers trade him but, they tried sneaking in another team at the end.

Yes, you can bet on Simmons to go from the Sixers to the Shanghai Sharks at 20/1 odds. The odds are the lowest on the board but still horrible given that there is absolutely no chance Simmons goes to play for the Sharks.

It's quite the troll job by BetOnline and a good one at that.

Simmons had a disastrous postseason for the Sixers leading to plenty of speculation that the team could trade him. Then reports recently surfaced that it was Simmons, who in a sit down meeting with the team's brass, made it known that he is not coming back to play for Philly. It's left the 76ers now scrambling to figure out how to approach the next step.

If Simmons is on the team when training camp starts it will only create more of a distraction. All signs would seemingly point towards a trade being imminent but the Sixers have had a super high asking price so far that nobody has come close to meeting.