Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is getting a massive update with Patch 12.4, which is the mid-set expansion for Set 6.5 Gizmos & Gadgets, featuring the release of Neon Nights. This means a huge shuffle to the roster of champions and traits, balance changes, tons of new hextech augments, a battle pass, and cosmetics. Here's all the details we know so far about Patch 12.4.

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Patch 12.4 Notes: Neon Nights release

TFT Neon Nights release date

TFT Patch 12.4 and its Neon Nights expansion will be going live on February 16, 2022. The global roll-out starts with Australia and gradually drops throughout the rest of the world. If you're an early riser, expect the update to be ready by 8 am local time.

TFT Neon Nights: New champions

As Neon Nights is a mid-set release, TFT's roster of champions will get a huge overhaul. 21 units are set to be replaced—marking the game's largest roster swap to date. Five champions will make their debut in TFT, including the familiar faces of Corki as well as Alistar. The new additions to League of Legends, Zeri and Renata Glasc, will also be arriving in TFT, plus the exclusive release of Silco, the antagonist from hit Netflix series Arcane. Aside from these five, the likes of Ahri and Draven will be returning to the show, while players will continue to see an emphasis on Hextech, Chemtech, Arcanist, and Yordle compositions (among others).

Here's a look at the five new units' traits and abilities.



PulverizeAlistar charges through the enemy team, dealing magic damage (200/300/600), knocking them back, and stunning them (2.5/3/6 seconds). He then taunts nearby enemies.



BombardmentCorki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing magic damage (250/300/500) to nearby enemies.

Renata GlascChemtech


Toxic WaveRenata unleashes a toxic wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies, poisoning all enemies in its path for 15 seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer 15% reduced Attack Speed and take magic damage (70/100/250) per second. Damage dealt by the poison can stack.



Unstable ConcoctionSilco injects an unstable concoction into his lowest Health allies, granting them 100% maximum Health, bonus Attack Speed (120/180/666%), and immunity to crowd control for 8 seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.



Lightning CrashZeri charges herself up with electricity for 6 seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot. Passive: Zeri's attacks fire bullets, each dealing 15% of her Attack Damage as physical damage plus bonus magic damage to the first unit hit. VIP Bonus: Zeri's Lightning Nova's radius is doubled.

TFT Neon Nights: New traits

Given that such a huge change has rippled through the champion roster, it's no surprise that the traits are also undergoing changes. Debonair and Hextech have entered the fray, again putting an emphasis to Arcane or Runeterra-related themes, replacing Academy and Imperial. In addition, the Mastermind (just for Silco), Rival with sisters Jinx and Vi, and Striker (Rek'sai, Sivir, Irelia, Gnar, Jarvan) traits will also be available in the game.

Check out the trait cheat sheet below:

tft neon nights traits

On top of that, TFT will be getting 80 new Hextech Augments, so players have even more options to consider as they build their teams and roll the die. It's one crazy expansion, that's for sure.

TFT Patch 12.4 adds scouting feature

Instead of a third-party app, players can now scout ahead and see information about their upcoming opponents with a new matchup feature in the client. The feature lets you track which opponents you haven't fought yet. Plus after the game, your match history will capture more details now, showing the Augments that players have chosen. Also, if you get the Future Sight Hextech Augment, you'll be able to see the exact combat that you will be facing off against for the round.

“You'll be able to see what foes you've yet to fight this stage, with a cute little icon alluding to their imminent destruction!” highlighted the official TFT account on Twitter. “We've wanted this since seeing it in other apps to help us focus on the things that matter: rolling down, scouting, and not pivoting.”

TFT Set 6.5 Battle Pass

TFT Gizmos & Gadgets Pass II will arrive alongside Patch 12.4, bringing a host of new cosmetics in exchange for completing missions. Riot has yet to release details on what the missions will entail. But considering the huge roster and traits shuffle, we can expect that players will be tasked to try out many of these new units to grab those rewards and experience boosts.

Aside from that, a new Tactician archetype called Abyssia will be dropping in TFT. Abyssia has a high-tech theme, similar to the Project skins in League of Legends. Other rewards include a new Plant Buddy sprite (for the premium Pass), Hextech Wipeout Booms, and Neon Nights-themed Eggs.