At one time or another, I'm sure we've all claimed something was done poorly on purpose to try and deflect the blame when others spot it. Very seldom does it work, but The Flash director Andy Muschietti is giving it the old college try as he claims some of the wonky VFX and CGI work in his DC film was done intentionally.

Speaking with io9, Muschietti claimed to be aware of some viewers' feedback to The Flash's CGI, and he had just the response.

“The idea, of course, is… we are in the perspective of the Flash. Everything is distorted in terms of lights and textures. We enter this ‘waterworld' which is basically being in Barry's POV. It was part of the design so if it looks a little weird to you that was intended,” said Muschietti.

He's right about one thing — it did look weird. There is a sequence early on where Barry saves a bunch of babies mid-air that looks extremely strange — the babies themselves don't look human — but if that's how the Flash is seeing them, I suppose this explanation works. It's a bit of an odd comment to make, and the babies aren't the only wonky CGI in the film. As the film gets deeper into the runtime, there are far worse examples of the visuals such as the various cameos late in the film that hardly look real.

Nevertheless, this is Andy Muschietti's story and he's sticking to it. But from now on, if I ever make a spelling mistake in my writing, just know it's intentional in an effort to keep readers on their toes.

The Flash is in theaters now.