Former supermodel and TV personality Tyra Banks recently shared insights into her personal and professional life, revealing her first encounter with alcohol at 50 and discussing the distinction between her real self and her television persona on America's Next Top Model, Vibe reports.

A Milestone Birthday with New Experiences

Celebrating her 50th birthday in Australia with a spectacular seaplane ride, Tyra Banks decided to try an alcoholic drink for the first time, an experience she found less than enjoyable. “I even had an alcoholic drink for the first time! It wasn’t worth it. I was like, ‘This is nasty!’” Banks told People. Despite a lifelong sober lifestyle, this milestone prompted her to sample what she'd been missing, only to confirm that it wasn't for her.

The celebration was a surprise orchestrated by her mother and best friend, adding to the special nature of the event. Banks expressed her excitement about entering her fifties, a time she views as a rite of passage that allows her to embrace and express her true self fully. “I could not wait to be 50,” she confessed, seeing the age as an opportunity to defy societal expectations about aging and to proclaim proudly, “Child, I’m 50!”

Reflecting on Her Television Role

Tyra Banks also took this opportunity to reflect on her role as the host of America's Next Top Model, a position she held from 2003 to 2018. She clarified that the persona she presented on the show was a creation for television and did not represent who she was in reality. “I had a persona on TV that was totally different than who I am in real life,” she shared. This revelation comes amid past criticisms of the show for its sometimes harsh treatment of contestants, including forcing them into uncomfortable or distressing scenarios.

In real life, Banks admitted to struggling with giving feedback, a task she found so challenging that she required coaching to handle effectively. “In real life, I have a lot of difficulty with giving feedback, like at work. I used to have to have a coach train me on how to say, ‘Well, you could have done this better.’” Her evolution has taught her the value of constructive criticism, both in professional settings and personal relationships, fostering healthier communication and understanding.

The dichotomy between her public persona and private self has sparked discussions about the realities of television production and the expectations placed on public figures. Banks's candidness provides a window into the complexities of navigating fame and authenticity in an industry often dominated by scripted interactions.

As Banks embraces this significant chapter in her life, she continues to engage with her fans and the public, sharing insights that challenge perceptions and encourage a broader understanding of the impact of media portrayals versus real-life complexities. Her journey reflects a growing trend among celebrities who wish to unveil the realities behind their polished public facades, contributing to more nuanced conversations about celebrity culture and personal growth.