Will Smith, a name synonymous with blockbuster hits and unforgettable performances, recently opened up about what he considers the pinnacle of his film career, Gamesradar reports. In a candid discussion on First We Feast’s “Hot Ones” series, Smith delved into the movies that he believes define his illustrious journey in Hollywood. When host Sean Evans posed the question about the top four performances of his career, Smith didn't hesitate to highlight “The Pursuit of Happyness” as his finest work.

“I think the individual best movie that I’ve ever made is The Pursuit of Happyness. I think that’s the one where it wasn’t just me,” Smith said, underscoring the profound impact of the 2006 film.

Based on a true story, the film portrays the struggles and triumphs of Chris Gardner, an unhoused single father in San Francisco who climbs the corporate ladder from door-to-door sales to a successful career in a tech company. Smith’s portrayal of Gardner earned him widespread acclaim and showcased his ability to deliver deeply moving performances.

Following “The Pursuit of Happyness,” Smith reunited with director Gabriele Muccino for the drama “Seven Pounds,” further cementing his reputation for tackling emotionally charged roles. Yet, when it comes to sheer entertainment value and fun, Smith points to “Bad Boys” and the live-action “Aladdin” as some of his most enjoyable projects.

The Quintessential Performances

While “The Pursuit of Happyness” tops Smith's list, he also lauded “Men in Black” for its direction, cinematography, and music. “Right behind that is the first Men in Black,” Smith noted, reflecting on the 1997 sci-fi comedy that became a cultural phenomenon. Initially reluctant to take on another alien movie right after “Independence Day,” Smith was eventually swayed by producer Steven Spielberg’s persuasive pitch.

Smith’s list of top movies for a hypothetical time capsule includes “The Pursuit of Happyness,” the first “Men in Black,” “I Am Legend,” and “King Richard.” Each of these films not only showcases his versatility as an actor but also represents significant milestones in his career. In “I Am Legend,” Smith plays a lone survivor in a post-apocalyptic world, delivering a performance that blends action with profound solitude. Meanwhile, “King Richard,” in which he portrays Richard Williams, the father of tennis legends Venus and Serena Williams, highlights his ability to bring real-life figures to the screen with authenticity and depth.

The Future for Smith

Looking ahead, Will Smith is set to reprise his roles in “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” and an “I Am Legend” sequel, the latter featuring Michael B. Jordan. Initially hesitant about a sequel, Smith was eventually convinced by a compelling new storyline. “It was one of those ones I was going to leave alone, and then I heard the idea,” Smith shared with Entertainment Tonight. “That might work. I think we can do that.”

Smith’s journey from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” to a Hollywood A-lister is marked by a series of bold choices and standout performances. His reflection on his career highlights a deep appreciation for the roles that challenged him and the projects that brought him joy. As fans anticipate his upcoming releases, Smith’s legacy as one of the most dynamic actors of his generation continues to grow.