After successfully lobbying Nick Aldis for promo time at the end of SmackDown and passing along a private message to Cody Rhodes during the show, AJ Styles stepped foot in a WWE ring for the umpteenth time in his career, only this time, it felt somewhat different, and not just because he was wearing a bright blue suit that looked more like he was going to his high school prom that cutting an in-ring promo.

Why did Styles make this choice? Well, probably because he had something very important to say after two decades in rings all over the world.

“I gotta tell ya, I've been think about what Nick Aldis said over the past week, dwelled on it; if I wanted another shot at Cody Rhodes for the WWE Championship, I would have to go to the back of the line. He's doing his job, I understand that, and I dwelled on this, I thought about this all week, and I'm going to be honest with you guys, I just can't do that at this point and time in my career; and this point and time in my life, I just can't do that,” AJ Styles told the crowd on SmackDown.

“I have been doing this for over two decades, I have been busting my body in these ring, blood, sweat, tears, all over the world – you'd better believe it – so I could become Phenomenal. But this past week, my son graduated High School, and I got to be there. We had his graduation party at my house, and it was beautiful; my friends and family were there, and it was at this point that clarity hit me upside the head: how many of these have I missed? So instead of being the ‘Phenomenal' AJ Styles, maybe I stay at home and be a phenomenal father.

“Gallows, Anderson, come here, I couldn't have gotten here without you, I love you. You guys are better than friends, you guys are my brothers, so if we have to do this one last time (Too Sweet), let's do it right.”

After celebrating the moment with his fellow Bullet Club alumni, Styles had one final request before he said adieu for the evening: to share the ring with Cody Rhodes in the ring one final time.

“But before I go, Cody, I whispered something in your ear,” Styles revealed. “I asked you if you wouldn't mind something out here when I called you, and well, Cody, now's the time: if you don't mind, please.

Whoa, what on earth could Styles have to say to Rhodes? Was he going to hand over the “Phenomenal” moniker, or gift his finisher to the “American Nightmare” on his way out of the industry? Or did he just want to say goodbye face to face? Fans didn't have to wait long to find out, as Rhodes didn't leave his Backlash foe waiting for long.

AJ Styles found a way to skip the line after all.

After exchanging looks in the ring, AJ Styles finally addressed his Backlash foe, letting Cody Rhodes know that their match together was a very special moment in his “Phenomenal” career.

“So before I came out here to do what I've got to do, I just wanted to look you in the eyes, face-to-face, and tell you I had one of the greatest matches I've ever had with you at Backlash in Lyon, France,” AJ Styles announced. “The crowd was electric, and if I was going to have one last match, that would be it, but just so you know, this is still the house that AJ Styles built, and I called you out here to hand you the keys.”

Shocked by the kind words sent his way, Rhodes responded in kind, telling his pal that he's incredibly proud of their work together and remains proud of everything Styles gave to the boys in the back and the fans alike.

“We have only ever exchanged one text message between each other; after that match at Backlash, I wanted to know if you were okay, and your response was, ‘I'm all good, Little Bro,'” Cody Rhodes recalled. “I could say a lot about the decision you've made, but what's more important is that I say this on behalf of myself and on behalf of a locker room that you were a Big Bro for: thank you very much, AJ Styles.”

A beautiful moment, right? Well, if you turned SmackDown off at the end of the promo, you likely think so, but in the end, it was all a ruse; Styles turned on Rhodes, beat him down, and nailed him with a Styles Clash on the floor in what can only be described as a tactic to skip the line and force Nick Aldis to book a rematch for a future PLE. Is Styles retiring? Eventually, sure, but for now, he really wants to focus on becoming the WWE Champion once more, even if he has to destroy his fellow Georgia boy to make that happen.