Bayley's return to the WWE Universe has been a resounding success. Her return following the first match at SummerSlam generated a massive pop, her ability to play a crowd as a talker was sorely missed, and her decision to bring back two former NXT standouts, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky, for the ride ushered in a whole new world of “Sports Entertainment,” where anything is possible.

The unit has consistently shined on RAW, made a very fun appearance on SmackDown, and may just make their way down to NXT to jaw jack with Toxic Attraction just in case the duo are able to defeat Aliyah and Raquel Rodriguez in the semi-finals, which, frankly, feels like a fairly likely outcome at this point.

And yet, there has been one aspect of the team that degraded their overall presentation ever so slightly over the past month or so: Bayley, Kai, and Sky don't have a team name.

Now granted, every team doesn't have to have a team name. Sasha Banks and Naomi didn't have a tag team name during their most recent run in WWE, neither did Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page when they were champions in AEW, and the team of Owen Hart and Yokozuna was one of the highlights of the attitude era despite never having a proper name. Still, in a sport where branding is everything, having a team like The Hart Foundation, the Bullet Club, the NWO, or even Toxic Attraction is cooler than nothing.

Fortunately, Paul “Triple H” Levesque, who was famously part of DX, knows this all too well, and according to The Wrestling Observer, he and WWE just trademarked a very interesting phrase that folks are linking to the group thanks to a Tweet from by Kai: Damage CTR.

Damage CTRL perfectly fits the new ethos of WWE's top RAW faction.

When asked about how her rehabbing process, her return to the ring, and the prospects of her new groups by fellow WWE talker Corey Graves on the After The Bell podcast, Bayley had a lot to say. She highlighted what's great about her new friends, talked about her friendship with Kai, and delivered the following quote, as dictated by The Wrestling Observer.

This is something that I’ve wanted for a while – I would say a couple of years. And actually something that I’ve talked to [Triple H] about before. Just wanting something different for the division and using girls that I think were either underutilized or that didn’t get that opportunity or didn’t get that spotlight. And just a way to evolve myself [in] many different variations of this faction or group that I wanted.”

“But as I got injured and got to spend more time really thinking about it, I knew that I wanted literally girls who haven’t had the opportunity for Raw or SmackDown or that haven’t been given the opportunity to feel what WrestleMania is like. Because that’s the ultimate goal of everybody. I just felt like if I looked for girls that haven’t had that yet, just the hunger is gonna be that much stronger. It’s just gonna be fresher for the fans and fresher for the locker room where they’ll get excited to work with different people. So once I thought of it like that and thought let me look at NXT, it was so easy. I knew who I wanted and I knew who could benefit from it. I knew who I can benefit from. And I knew who would give to the locker room, really.”

While it may be early in the run of the team that may or may not ultimately be called Damage CTRL, that is one heck of a way to not only make the team feel inclusive but important. Where the former heads of creative would have simply stranded performers who he didn't have “something for” in catering or worse, had allowed them to be released outright to save money ahead of whatever conference call with investors was impending, Levesque took a page from wrestling past – and AEW present – to put a pair of overlooked but great workers with a veteran mentor who could basically do no wrong after a year away from the ring in order to get all three performers over in a big way. Kai and Sky can eat pins to protect Bayley in multi-person matches, set up potential opponents to ratchet up the stakes, and just interact with each other in a genuine way that endears them to fans who want to like their heels.

Fortunately, with the three together now, it's on WWE to do “Damage CTRL” on why they didn't do more with the women beforehand.