5 Seconds of Summer guitarist Michael Clifford got some exciting news from the stork. Him and his wife Crystal Leigh announced they’re expecting their first baby, per E! News. This is the first of the 5SOS crew to be pregnant.

In a joint announcement shared on June 12, the couple shared a series of photos of themselves kissing, Michael Clifford holding his pregnancy wife’s baby bump, them holding a sonogram photo, and cute polaroid shots of the two of them. Clifford captioned the post: “You’re already everything baby clifford, 11/11/23.”

“I’m filled with excitement and also with nerves,” the 5SOS guitarist said. “I’ve been a dog dad for a long time, so I think I’m ready for a small human to take care of and communicate with conversationally after eight years of one-sided dog convos!”

As for Leigh, she’s simply “over the moon” with joy. “I have never been this happy in my entire life. I’d like to think it’s the baby’s good vibes and energy radiating through me, but it’s probably just the hormones.”

However, this year hasn’t been all excitement. Leigh shared that they had a bit of a health scare early in the year. “We did have a small complication in the beginning, a subchorionic hematoma. It caused a lot of bleeding, which was absolutely terrifying. We raced to the doctor on Easter when it happened, but thankfully our baby was okay.”

“Michael has been such an incredible partner through it all though,” she continued. “I really do feel like we are pregnant together.”

It’s also changed the 5 Seconds of Summer rocker’s outlook on life. “The fact that for every single human on the planet (including everyone reading this) a strong woman had to go through carrying a baby, going through all of the emotions that come with being pregnant, and then deliver the baby is just astounding. It’s incredibly remarkable and shows just how strong women are. Crystal is going to be an amazing mother.”