The Buffalo Bills-Pittsburgh Steelers playoff game will be played Monday afternoon as scheduled and not delayed again, despite bad weather in Buffalo. New York Governor Kathy Hochul made the announcement Sunday afternoon as snow cleanup continues in the city, per ESPN.

“It won't be pleasant, but it's not going to be life-threatening,” Hochul said at a news conference, per the 33rd Team. A travel ban remains in effect in Orchard Park where the stadium is for the Bills. Buffalo remains under a travel ban, as of Sunday afternoon.

The AFC playoff wild card game was originally scheduled for Sunday afternoon. Blizzard-like conditions with fierce winds and heavy snow pushed the game back to Monday. Brutal weather conditions continued in the city Sunday, but Hochul said enough work had been done clearing the roads to allow the game to move forward for Monday afternoon. Several inches of snow are still falling in the city, as of Sunday.

“Please, stay vigilant, monitor forecasts, (and) stay safe,” Hochul said, per her social media. New York's governor had also released video of what conditions looked like near the Bills stadium area on Sunday, when the game was originally supposed to have started.


Fans are asked to travel in groups to the game with car pooling, as several parking lots won't be clear of snow in time for the game on Monday. Governor Hochul said volunteers were walking to the stadium to help clean up the snow, along with Buffalo Bills employees.

The Bills and Steelers kick off at 4:30 Eastern on Monday. The weather conditions at game time are expected to be in the teens, but without blowing snow, per ESPN.