Director Shawn Levy opens up about the cast of Stranger Things and how they're aging quickly for Season 5. Only so much hair and makeup can be done to keep them young…

The director talks about the cast growing up and what's being done about it in a recent interview with Variety.

When addressing their ages and how the strike is prolonging production, the director seems optimistic that all will be okay — even though they're all getting older.

Shawn Levy talks about the Stranger Things cast growing up

“We've already watched the cast of our show grow up in the public eye, and between 12 and 22, every human being changes profoundly,” Levy said.

He continued, “This passage of time is definitely not helping. That being said, our hair and makeup and wardrobe department are pretty exceptional, using costumes and wigs and makeup. The '80s are also our friends in returning these young adult actors to their iconic Hawkins characters. So we're going to use all the tools available to us. And I know our cast is as eager to get back to work as the rest of us.”

The director was supposed to have an exceptionally busy year, but the strikes stopped a few things. For example, he was supposed to film Deadpool 3 and Season 5 of Stranger Things. However, he is busy promoting his limited series, All The Light We Cannot See, which will premiere on Netflix on Nov. 2.

Age is inevitable. And though the strike isn't allowing production to continue, hair and makeup will hopefully do wonders for the cast of Strangers Things when things start back up again.