2020 belonged to Drew McIntyre. McIntyre, who is notoriously known for being released by WWE after failing to become the “Chosen One” Mr. McMahon thought he would be, fulfilled his prophecy and became the WWE Champion by defeating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. It was a long road that McIntyre had to travel to get to where he is now, but he is now one of the biggest names on the WWE roster.

When McIntyre returned to WWE in 2018, he had a much different look than the last time fans saw him. McIntyre was no longer the goofy bandmate in 3MB with Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal. McIntyre was the Scottish Warrior who came back to rewrite his story. He found success on the main roster immediately after returning. He was in major feuds with Roman Reigns and The Undertaker and even won the Raw Tag Team Championship with Dolph Ziggler. WWE did a perfect job naturally building McIntyre up as a future world champion.

The 2020 Royal Rumble is one of the most memorable matches in its history. Fans saw the return of Edge and witnessed Brock Lesnar put on an all-time performance during the match. One moment that always sticks out from this is when Drew McIntyre eliminated Lesnar from the match. When you think of that moment, you think of the entire arena erupting and going crazy for McIntyre. At that moment, you knew Drew McIntyre was the one to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. With one Claymore Kick, WWE created a new star.

Drew McIntyre defeated Brock Lesnar at that year's WrestleMania and won the WWE Championship for the first time. It was a great match and a special moment for McIntyre, but the only problem was there were no fans in attendance. As you may know, due to the pandemic, WWE had no choice but to continue the show without fans. This wasn't just for WrestleMania; this lasted over a year. As special as the moment was, it would've been much better if tens of thousands of people were going crazy for Drew McIntyre.

Drew McIntyre carried the WWE during the pandemic era. Even when Roman Reigns returned at Summerslam, McIntyre was still the star of the show. McIntyre didn't have the most memorable WWE Championship reign, but he did a fantastic job under the circumstances. McIntyre had the biggest moment of his career stripped away from him because of the pandemic, but he still represented the company well and did the best he could do with the cards he was dealt.

With all that being said, Drew McIntyre needs to go on another world championship run. McIntyre deserves to be a world champion in front of fans this time around. McIntyre was so close to dethroning Roman Reigns at Cash at the Castle, but it wasn't meant to be. While speaking to Pro Wrestling Illustrated, McIntyre shared his thoughts on WWE splitting up both belts again soon.

“I wanna get a title in front of live fans. I had it for 300 days with nobody there. Obviously Clash [at the Castle] would have been an awesome moment if I was able to pull it off. Roman’s on this run of a lifetime right now – curious to see where that goes. Ideally, we’ll get those titles separated back on their respective shows and back on the live events and all over. But can’t deny what Roman’s done with them and how he’s representing [WWE] as champion.”

I agree with Drew McIntyre that WWE needs to go back to having two world championships. Not only do those belts go back to their respective shows and can be defended more often, but it'll give more superstars a chance to become world champion. With the belts glued to Roman Reigns' shoulders, it's been hard for new challengers to come up and get a shot at the straps.

Whether WWE splits the belts up or not, Drew McIntyre needs to be the world champion again very soon. McIntyre needs another title reign so he can do it right this time in front of fans. The pop McIntyre would have gotten at WrestleMania in 2020 would have been insane. The pop he'll get when he finally wins it in front of fans will be special. I'm not saying he has to dethrone Roman Reigns. I'm just saying I need to see world championship gold around McIntyre's waist by the end of 2023.

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