We're back again with another list acknowledging the greatest and best-looking armor sets in Elden Ring. In our previous article, we mostly went with robes and regular gear, but we're upping the ante this time with some of the rarer gear – some of these are even seen as status symbols because of the prerequisites for acquiring them. Nevertheless, we still included some armor that are easy to get, or just plain fashionable. In Elden Bling, here are 10 more of the best-looking armor sets you can find in the game.

As usual, all thanks go to the community maintaining the Elden Ring wiki for all the information we're sharing with you here.

Elden Bling: 10 More of the Best-Looking Armor Sets in Elden Ring

White Reed Set

The White Reed Set is a clear upgrade for the Land of Reeds set. If you're like me who won't let go of the base Land of Reeds set because we want to go full Samurai all throughout the game, this is the only way to go. The good thing is it's as fashionable as it is useful. You can find the armor, greaves, and arm guards in the Spiritcaller's Cave in the Mountaintops of Giants, but you'll have to beat Bloody Finger Okina for the matching mask.

Veteran's Set

Players who have fought Commander Niall would note that while the weathered armor is worse for wear, it still looks formidable and intimidating. Thankfully, players can get Commander Niall's Veteran's Set armor. After defeating the soldier, players can return to Finger Reader Enia to get the armor set. The armor set speaks volumes in terms of formidability, and the Veteran's Set does have one of the highest Robustness scores for any armor set in the game.

Tree Sentinel Set

Speaking of Robustness, you can get yourself an armor set that gives you an imposing look and intimidating demeanor AND also trigger the PTSD of some other players you're invading. Wearing the Tree Sentinel Set will surely bring back bad memories for a lot of Elden Ring players, and there's nothing better than standing tall above your vanquished foes wearing the Tree Sentinel Set. Don't be mistaken, though – you can't get the Tree Sentinel Set from vanquishing the mini-boss in the overworld of the same name – this armor set can actually be found in Azuria's Hero's Grave.

Cleanrot Set

Some might find the Cleanrot Knights detestable, but actually if you take away the context, their armor does look kinda cool. So, after clearing Caelid of these bad boys, don their armor yourself and see just how awesome you look. The flowing white and red coattails give the armor a nice touch and flavor, while the red cape flowing from the helm and the white wings give the armor an undeniably unique look.

Crucible Axe Set

Long time Dark Souls fans have bad memories of Ornstein and Smough, and while not as hard a boss fight, fighting the Crucible Knight and the Crucible Knight Ordovis will surely bring back the memories of defeat and frustration. This brass armor set provides a great deal of protection and offers a lot of resistances for players who pick it up – a great set to wear for STR-based characters. All the while looking as fashionable as a brass knight can be.

Drake Knight Set

Found in the Crumbling Farum Azula, the Drake Knight set offers high magic, fire, and holy resistances. The armor was originally worn by the Drake Knights, an order of knights that we don't get the chance to see in the game. Thankfully, we can still wear their cool-looking armor to battle in Elden Ring, sporting the dragon-wing like cape that gives this armor its unique look.

Leyndell Knight Set

Most players would like to steer clear from this knight as the Golden Dragon Cult Knight can decimate foes even from afar because it can will lighting strikes at the player. Players will literally have to be lighting-quick to dodge those lightning attacks. Aside from dropping the Dragon Cult Prayerbook, the Golden Dragon Cult Knight drops its armor set and its weapons, making it worthwhile to beat. The Dragon Cult Prayerbook unlocks lightning-related incantations for the player to use, including Electrify Armament.

Preceptor's Set

In a funny twist, you can help Seluvis in his quest line to betray his masters. Then, upon doing so, Seluvis dies and leaves behind his entire wardrobe to you. The Preceptor's Set is notable for its bream hat and mask, matched by a royal-looking long gown. This is a great set for sorcerers, but wearing such a pompous headgear will lead to a decrease in stamina for the Tarnished.

Mausoleum Knight Set

If you're a fan of medieval history, then you probably would have heard of Hussar Knights from Poland. These Polish knights ride to battle on horseback with wings – giving their enemies a terrible sight – a charging horde of enemies that look like angels swooping down to claim their lives. You can recreate this feeling for, err, NPC enemies in the game by riding Torrent and mauling down enemies with a lance with this awesome-looking set. Get these from Mausoleum Knights in Liurnia of the Lakes.

Malenia's Set

The most fashionable armor set in Elden Ring – the most Elden Bling amongst Elden Blings – is none other than Malenia's Set. Getting this armor set and wearing it to battle is the next best thing to buying the Elden Ring Collector's Edition. Not all of us can afford to buy the game version that comes with a Malenia statuette, so we can just settle for cosplaying as the Empyrean once you've beaten her. She's also been the icon of the game since it first got revealed, so you basically turn into the face of the game when you wear this armor set. Amazing, right? But good luck beating her, though.

BONUS: Albinauric Set

Let's add one for the laughs here before we end our list. Remember those goofy-looking frog-like humanoids in Liurnia of the Lake or just outside the Academy Gates? You can get a headgear in the game and look just like them (pinwheeling fighting style not included) ! the Albinauric Mask can be obtained in the Volcano Manor. Once you get it, wear it every time you know that a cutscene is coming – and hilarity ensues. Don't forget to hit record! Seriously, though. This armor is almost useless, having its only use in humor. Maybe – just maybe, you'd get to sneak a kill on an enemy in PvP because they'd be too busy laughing at your silly-looking face.

And that’s our list for 10 more of the most fashionable and coolest-looking armor sets in Elden Ring. It’s important to wear only the best armor available to ensure your survival in the Lands Between, but looking good while beating bosses makes for great highlight videos.

For our list of the best-looking weapons, you can check out our article on the ten coolest and most badass weapons in Elden Ring and ten more of the coolest and most badass weapons in Elden Ring.