The college football world has never seen more controversy with the four-team College Football Playoff than this year. Florida State football finished 13-0 with an ACC title and two wins against SEC teams away from home, but the Seminoles were left out of the playoff for two 12-1 conference champions. It was something that we've never seen before, and Florida State was, rightfully so, extremely upset. The Seminoles are now looking to leave the ACC, and missing the CFP is a big reason why.

With conference realignment happening, it looks like the Big Ten and the SEC are going to be the two premier college football conferences. Florida State football wants to be part of one of those conferences as they are one of the biggest brands in the game, and they are beginning that process now. Florida State president Richard McCullough was recently discussing the situation, and he took a clear shot at the CFP committee in the process.

“We missed the CFP ‘Invitational' ,” McCullough said, according to a tweet from Brett McMurphy.

Florida State coaches, players, fans, etc. all have good reason to be upset with the CFP committee. The Seminoles are the first ever undefeated power five champion to miss the playoff, and that was something that everyone thought would only happen if there were five undefeated power five champs. There were only three, and Florida State was the team that was left out.

It was an extremely unfortunate situation for the team as the committee's reasoning for leaving them behind was the injury to Florida State quarterback Jordan Travis. They didn't think the Seminoles were the same team without him, so they left them out of the playoff.

The Seminoles feel like they are making the right move leaving the ACC, as they know that this wouldn't have happened if they were an SEC school. It'll be interesting to see how this move plays out for them.

Florida State still has one more game this season as they will look to prove the committee wrong in the Orange Bowl against Georgia. They have had a lot of players opt out, so it will be tough to get the win, but if they do, it won't be a good look for the CFP committee.