Herschel Walker is campaigning to be a United States Senator representing Georgia. However, his campaign has been mucked up by stories revealing that Walker has secret children that he has not been forthcoming about. The former star running back for the Dallas Cowboys and Republican senatorial nominee has been misleading not only the public but those who are helping him in his campaign.

According to Roger Sollenberger of The Daily Beast, Walker lied to his own campaign staffers about how many children he has. His aides had documents ready when they asked him about the children he was hiding, which he falsely claimed were not real. Now, his campaign is an internal mess.

Emails and texts show advisers discussing how they don’t trust Walker—both to tell the truth to them and to handle campaign events properly—and harboring concerns that he isn’t mentally fit for the job.

He spouts falsehoods “like he’s breathing,” this adviser said—so much so that his own campaign stopped believing him long ago.

“He’s lied so much that we don’t know what’s true,” the person said, adding that aides have “zero” trust in the candidate. Three people interviewed for this article independently called him a “pathological liar.”

Lying is a common trait that politicians share regardless of political affiliation. However, Herschel Walker lying to his own advisors is a very telling sign of his ability to hold office. His reluctance to truthfully acknowledge how many children he has conflicts with his harsh criticism of absent fathers in Black families.

Herschel Walker will run against Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock in the Georgia Senate race.