Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings had a lot to teach Thor co-star Stellan Skarsgård.

Known for his roles in several MCU films, Skarsgård reminisces about the first Thor movie. Despite not being a comic book enthusiast, Skarsgård found unexpected enjoyment in the production. Particularly from memories shared with Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings.

He humorously recounted his experiences of listening to the actresses discuss relationships and providing him with insights into the female perspective.

“It was me, Kat Dennings, and Natalie Portman, the trio. We were constantly together in all the scenes, and I had so much fun and I learned so much about girls because most of the time we were stuck in a car, and we were waiting, and it was a film car and I just listened to those two girls talking about men. ”

Besides Thor co-stars, Stellan Skarsgård also shared how he was skeptic at first. But ultimately embraced the opportunity to work with director Kenneth Branagh. He acknowledged signing on for multiple films as part of the deal.

Despite not being a fervent fan of superhero movies, Skarsgård appreciated the lighter, less serious nature of his roles in the MCU. He emphasized the enjoyment derived from these experiences and defended the validity of participating in projects that may not be considered highbrow.

Skarsgård's portrayal of Dr. Erik Selvig spanned several MCU films, showcasing his character's evolution and struggles. While Selvig's appearances tapered off in subsequent phases, Skarsgård's contributions remain memorable within the MCU canon.

“Why did I continue to do Marvel after that? I had a contract, and it was fun doing those small things. You don’t have to be too pretentious about what you do. It’s not a crime to do not-high-brow material.”