The Kansas City Chiefs have been one of the best teams in the NFL for several years now. One major factor of their success is Travis Kelce's chemistry with Patrick Mahomes. However, rumors are beginning to swirl that Kelce could choose to retire from football after the season, much like his brother, Jason Kelce.

During an interview with Marc Ryan of CBS Sports, retired NFL reporter Michele Tafoya hinted at Travis Kelce possibly retiring from the Chiefs. Obviously, Tafoya wouldn't reveal her sources. Additionally, this seems much more like speculation than anything else. She also hinted at the idea of the Kelce brothers doing a similar show as The Manning Cast. Listen to the audio clip below.

Maybe Travis Kelce retires, maybe he doesn't. For now, this is purely speculation. But considering Kelce is 34 years old, it's not too crazy to think he'd walk away from football. He runs a successful podcast with his brother called New Heights. Both of them seem comfortable talking into a microphone and could serve as analysts for the NFL.

Or, they could do what Michele Tafoya suggests and run their own version of The Manning Cast. Either way, Travis Kelce has a plethora of options on the table if he chooses to retire. But only time will tell if this speculation actually picks up traction. Considering Tafoya's pedigree during her time as an NFL reporter, it's hard to think she's just making this up out of thin air.