Secret Invasion is landing on Disney Plus soon, and it promises to deliver a whole new level of action and excitement for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But before catching it and all the relevant projects related to it, there are some important details to know about this MCU series. We take a look below at what fans must know about Secret Invasion before watching it.

Everything you must know about Secret Invasion before it lands on Disney Plus

Secret Invasion, Samuel Jackson Jr., Marvel, Entertainment

4. Marvel Comics' Secret Invasion

Inspired by the 2008 crossover event from Marvel Comics, Secret Invasion is the culmination of Brian Michael Bendis' work on Avengers after he took on the franchise. It revolves around a group of extremist Skrulls who manage to infiltrate the Avengers and other important organizations in the comics to stage their invasion of Earth. It saw famous heroes being replaced by Skrulls and creating a tense environment where heroes can't trust one another, leading to the popular tagline Who Do You Trust?

During the eight-issue run, Marvel fans saw Veranke enact her plan of revealing the Skrull sleeper agents, herself included as Spider-Woman, to great effect. In the end, it would take the combined might of the heroes to defeat the Skrull threat, with Norman Osborn killing Veranke and being hailed a hero everywhere across the world. The crossover event's ending would lead to Dark Reign, a status quo maintained by the comics wherein Osborn is the top personality and leads a band of villains in protecting the world.

3. New and returning characters

Over in the MCU version of Secret Invasion, fans can expect a slew of old characters returning in this Disney Plus series to go along with new personalities being introduced to everyone for the first time. When the first episode drops, fans can look forward to Nick Fury heading the Marvel series with familiar faces in Maria Hill, Everett K. Ross, and James Rhodes joining the former Head of S.H.I.E.L.D. at some point. Of course, these names make more sense than the big heroes, such as Thor or Spider-Man, since Secret Invasion revolves mostly around spies and the organizations they belong to.

While the returning characters are interesting in their own right, the new personalities making their debut in Secret Invasion deserve their time in the spotlight too. Portrayed by the talented Olivia Colman, Sonya Falsworth is making her first appearance in this MCU series as an agent of MI6 and an old friend of Fury. The Falsworth name is also a familiar one as it comes from the real name of Union Jack, a British superhero. It's expected that Colman's character will somehow be related to the said character.

Along with Colman, fans will also get a new American president, played by Dermot Mulroney, and two unnamed characters portrayed by Christopher McDonald and Carmen Ejogo. It remains to be seen how these new characters will play out in the overall story of Secret Invasion soon.

2. Skrulls in the MCU

As compared to their comic book versions, the Skrulls we first see in Captain Marvel appear to be more cooperative with humans in the MCU. That's about to change as the Skrulls everyone is going to see in Secret Invasion will lean closer toward their comic counterparts. Of course, foremost amongst these aliens is G'iah, as played by Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke.

As stated in previous interviews, the said character is the daughter of Talos and Soren, who first appeared as a little Skrull girl in Captain Marvel. In the trailers, G'iah blames Fury for an unknown problem on earth, which can be the reason for the Skrull to turn on the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director, and join a rebel cell headed by Gravik. With that potential development, Gravik and his band of extremist Skrulls look to stage an invasion of their own, giving the series its primary conflict.

1. Nick Fury's big comeback

Back in Phase 1 of the MCU, it can't be denied that Fury is the main character that ties every franchise together. Of course, this all culminated in the first Avengers film and went downhill from The Winter Soldier for Fury. In that said film, Marvel's top spy found himself without a job due to Hydra infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D., leading him to live in the shadows once again. Although Jackson's character would pop out from time to time, his presence wouldn't be the same as it was in the first few films of the cinematic universe.

That's going to change now with the premiere of Secret Invasion as the Disney Plus series puts Fury back front and center. With the Skrulls making their move, it's up to Fury to use his shared history with the alien race to stop them from enacting their plans. MCU fans can also expect the show to shed some light on where he has been all this time or how his relationship with the Skrulls has progressed since the events of Captain Marvel.

With Secret Invasion set to drop on Disney Plus soon, Phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to be more interesting. Stay tuned to see how Fury and the Skrulls work out in the upcoming six-episode run on the said streaming service.