Primogems are hard to come by for the low-spenders or F2P, so spending them on the right banners is paramount for such players of Genshin Impact. As Baal’s release looms over the horizon, some players are wondering if it's worth spending their precious primogems on the Electro Archon.

To save or spend those primogems is up to the player, but this article will guide and help you decide whether it’s worth pulling for Baal or save them for another character in the future.

Why you should pull for Baal the Raiden Shogun

Baal is one of the most anticipated characters since her appearance in Genshin Impact 2.0, and a lot of players are hyped after seeing that Baal will appear in a banner on the next update. Her gameplay looks nothing short of phenomenal, and her team options are very flexible as a support or secondary DPS. If you have Primogems ready to be spent, here are the reasons why you should pull for Baal:

  1. You want a flexible support or sub-carry
  2. You need the team-wide utility that Baal provides 
  3. You want to collect the Archons
  4. You need another Electro support
  5. You like flashy gameplay
  6. You really, really, really like the ruler who oversees Inazuma, the Electro Archon, known as the Raiden Shogun, also known as Baal

Why you should save your Primogems instead

For the F2P player, it’s tough knowing that really good characters are also about to arrive, like Alhaitham, and possible reruns of other characters. Baal might be great and all, but she somehow ends up being just a utility character for a team. On the other hand, Kokomi and the others can turn out to be very interesting, and possibly even more desirable than the Raiden Shogun. If you’re one of the players that agree with the thoughts stated above, here are the reasons why you should NOT pull for Baal:

  1. You desire the upcoming characters more than Baal
  2. You would rather pull for Kamisato Ayato
  3. You don’t need more Electro characters
  4. You don’t have teams or characters that benefit from Baal’s utility or burst damage
  5. You don’t like Baal’s flashy gameplay or her character/personality
  6. You don't want to play as a homonculus

If you’re still not sure whether to pull for Raiden Shogun or not, her banner will still run for three long weeks, which may be enough time for you to decide.