Last week's episode of The Last Of Us ended with Tess' sacrifice buying time for Joel and Ellie to escape. After a tense sophomore installment filled with clever easter eggs, HBO's latest hit series is expanding its world by introducing more characters derived from the video game. We look at how that went down in this The Last Of Us episode 3 ending explained.

The Last Of Us episode 3 ending explained

The Last Of Us, HBO, Entertainment

This week's The Last Of Us episode 3 recap starts with Joel and Ellie resting beside a river 10 miles west of Boston after escaping from the infected. The pair then return to their journey toward Bill's location. Before doing so, they stop at an abandoned store to pick up some things Joel stashed inside. Meanwhile, Ellie looks around and finds a trap door in another part of the establishment.

Using her flashlight for illumination, the teenager drops down and inspects the space below. She then finds an infected person trapped beneath rubble and comes closer to it. Ellie uses her knife to cut open the undead's forehead to see what's inside and kills it shortly after. She goes back up, checks on Joel, and hides the box of tampons she found in the basement.

Once their stopover was done, the pair go back to their journey and they start to converse casually with each other. They stumble upon a good number of skulls dispersed on the field. Joel explains that back then, soldiers mistakenly killed a lot of people to prevent the infection from spreading. The series then cuts to a flashback in 2003 showing how these people were rounded up by the military and executed. As this is happening, a man named Bill observes these people using various CCTV cameras around town. He then goes about the abandoned town to gather supplies and fortify his house after.

Four years later in 2007, Bill managed to modify the entire town as his base of operations. He then interrogates a person caught inside one of his traps and discovers that he isn't infected at all. Bill learns his name is Frank and directs him to Boston. Frank pleads for a meal, an act Bill reluctantly gives to him.

Inside the house, Bill attends to Frank's needs and presents him with a meal. Before leaving, Franks plays the piano and sings along. Bill stops him from continuing, which prompts his guest to leave. Without warning, Bill sits down before the piano and performs a slower song. They share a kiss after, confirming that both of them are gay. The two then spend the night together.

Three years after, Frank and Bill argue about using resources to renovate several houses inside their small town and inviting people over. It's revealed that Tess and Joel are the people Frank is talking about and they're all sharing a meal with Bill. With Tess and Frank checking the house, Joel tells Bill that he understands the predicament he's currently in. Joel offers to help reinforce his town with new supplies. He also warns Bill about raiders that can invade his territory before leaving with Tess.

Another three years after that meeting, Frank and Bill inspect a patch where the former grew strawberries. The pair share a kiss with Bill mentioning that he was never afraid before Bill showed up. At night, the raiders Joel warned about invaded their town. Frank finds Bill shot in the stomach and takes him inside the house. He tries to patch him up while the wounded survivalist tells his lover to call Joel.

10 years later, we see Frank and Bill older with the former sick in a wheelchair and unable to walk. Bill wakes up the following morning to discover his lover sitting on a chair. Before a fight ensues, Frank tells him it's his last day and he's about to die. He then tells Bill that they're going to get married and after that, drink some pills that will cause him to pass away, rather than endure the illness he's going through. Once dinner is done, Bill admits that he put some pills inside the wine bottle, which meant that both of them will die. The lovers then go to bed and die peacefully shortly after.

Back in the present day, Joel and Ellie arrive at Bill's town. While the former is checking up on his friends, the latter discovers a letter from Bill saying that they passed away. He also tells Joel that saving Frank was worth it while leaving his things to him. Joel steps out after reading about Bill asking him to take care of Tess. He then inspects the nearby garage and finds Bill's truck in it. Joel goes back to Ellie and tells her that they're going to Wyoming to find his brother. Joel then lays a couple of ground rules for Ellie to follow as they decide to formally journey together.

Over in Bill's bunker, the pair grab much-needed supplies, including firearms and clothes. While Joel is taking a bath, Ellie finds a handgun and hides it in her backpack. They leave Bill's town using his old truck with their journey leading to Tommy in Wyoming.

What just happened? A The Last Of Us episode 3 recap

In this The Last Of Us episode 3 breakdown, we take a break from all the doom and gloom brought about by the infected and focus on Bill and Frank's life. We see how the former survived the outbreak and established a one-man colony complete with everything he needs to survive. A few years after, he decides to save Frank and share his home with him. Throughout that time, the pair meet Joel and Tess, fend off some raiders, and managed to survive the end of the world.

After two decades, the pair decide to kill themselves rather than Bill living alone once Frank passed away. This led to the present day where Joel and Ellie discover what happened to the lovers. With their property and equipment left to Joel, he decides to take what they need to reach Tommy in Wyoming. In the process, a bond is formed between him and Ellie in a heartfelt episode that stands out from the first two installments.

With another week done, The Last Of Us will almost hit its halfway mark for season 1. Until then stay tuned next week for the next chapter of this hit HBO series.