I Am Legend 2” is gearing up to surprise fans with a fresh take on its post-apocalyptic setting, per Screenrant. Screenwriter Akiva Goldsman shared intriguing updates at San Diego Comic-Con, revealing that the sequel will evolve significantly from the 2007 original.

According to Goldsman, the sequel will delve into a dramatically different vision of New York City. “The world returns, and it returns in a way that is kind of spectacular,” he said, emphasizing that the sequel's setting will not mirror the bleak landscape of its predecessor. This departure comes from extensive research into how cities rebound after catastrophic events, providing a more nuanced and optimistic portrayal. Fans should expect a vibrant transformation rather than a continued descent into decay.

Goldsman’s comments suggest that the sequel will feature a revitalized, dynamic environment, contrasting sharply with the desolate New York City of the first film. This creative shift promises to deliver a “really exciting playground” for the story, making “I Am Legend 2” feel distinct and innovative.

The Alternate Ending Reinstated

In another significant development, the sequel will adopt the alternate ending of the original film as its official canon. The 2007 film, starring Will Smith as Dr. Robert Neville, concluded with Neville's death in the theatrical cut. However, an alternate ending, included in the two-disc special edition DVD, presented a different outcome where Neville survives.

Goldsman confirmed that this alternate ending will now serve as the foundation for “I Am Legend 2,” effectively erasing the original conclusion. This choice allows Smith’s character to resume his experiments on the Darkseekers, setting the stage for new narrative possibilities.

Both Will Smith and Michael B. Jordan will reprise their roles, with Jordan joining Smith in a prominent role. The collaboration between these two stars, combined with the new setting and storyline, promises to reshape the “I Am Legend” universe in unexpected ways.

As fans await further announcements, it's clear that “I Am Legend 2” aims to redefine the franchise while honoring its roots. With a transformed New York City and a reimagined ending, the sequel is poised to deliver a fresh and exhilarating experience.