Well folks, you really have to give it to Dominik and Rey Mysterio; they certainly know how to make an entrance at WrestleMania.

Traveling to the ring in a similar fashion, with a masked Dom arriving in a paddy wagon and Rey lowriding in style alongside the ultimate Los Angeleno, Snoop Dogg, the Mysterios both entered the ring with one thing and one thing alone on their minds, teaching the other a lesson.

Really, this was a very tough match to book because Rey clearly needed to go over, as he's a freshly-minted Hall of Famer, and Dominik is the set-up guy for The Judgement Day, but if he beat his son too badly, it would have made him look like a stooge and thus would have killed any chance fans would take him seriously when his father eventually calls it a career.

Fortunately, few performers are as professional as Rey, and the Hall of Famer found a way to get his cathartic victory – spanking his son with his belt earned a massive pop – while also looking like a legit performer, all the while setting up a new feud between The Judgement Day and the Latino World Order, aka Legado Del Fantasma plus RMJ. Dominik looked fluid, fast, and played his heel role masterfully but ultimately lost the match because his father simply has more experience than he does… not to mention some help from Bad Bunny, was on commentary for the match and took away a chain Damian Priest left ringside.

With Mysterio-All I at WrestleMania officially in the record books, could a Mask vs. Moniker match be next, with Rey putting up his hood and Dominik wagering his name before the former hangs up his boots? Book it, Trips.