There's a moment in the documentary Bray Wyatt: Becoming Immortal where Taylor Rotunda, better known to fans of WWE as Bo Dallas and Uncle Howdy, declared, “Now it's up to us to give him something he deserves that will let him live on forever. We owe him something big, something to truly honor his legacy,” following his brother's untimely passing last summer. Though the point of the documentary was to discuss the life, career, and legacy of the “Eater of Worlds,” the way Rotunda said the line with such passion and intensity stuck with more than a few fans online and led them to wonder what he had planned for this continuation of the Wyatt storyline.

Well, if that was Rotunda's desire, then it's safe to say he made good on that promise to a pretty incredible degree, as, after watching firefly-stealer Jey Uso punch his ticket to Money in the Bank in Toronto next month, Nikki Cross – assuming she uses the same moniker moving forward – crawled out of a familiar doorway with a blue-lit lantern in hand to usher in the Wyat Sick6, a faction that has been hinted at for some time now in QR code vignettes but had yet to appear on television until now.

And that massacre they promised? Yeah, that happened, too, to a degree that few fans could have even imagined.

Introducing the fans at home and in Corpus Christi to each new member of the group one by one in what felt like a single take walkthrough of a Halloween Horror Nights maze, first to Erick Rowan, then Dexter Lumis, Joe Gacy, and finally Uncle Howdy himself, the quintet marched out to the entrance ramps passing by the bloody – yes, bloody – bodies of Chad Gable, Gunther, Brawn Strowman, and more in order to officially introduce themselves to the WWE Universe as the Wyatt Sick6, a group that will not only dominate WWE programming for the foreseeable future but also dominate wrestling social media until at least SmackDown on Friday, assuming they make an appearance at the show.

Was this all an illusion, with WWE telling fans in the future that this didn't actually happen but was instead a nightmare brought on by the group, with Gable, Gunther, and company continuing on with their storylines as if nothing had happened? Or will this serve as an Infinity War-level event within the WWE Universe, with everything else pushed to the side in order to take on the invading factions? Only time will tell, but considering how they debuted and the very real damage it appeared as though they caused, it's safe to say Rotunda did something big to honor his big brother's legacy indeed.

Wrestling legends are mixed on Uncle Howdy and the Wyatt Sick6.

While the WWE Universe is currently buzzing with excitement over the very well-executed debut of Uncle Howdy's Wyatt Sick6, in the lead-up to RAW, multiple legends of the sport commented on the challenge of keeping Bray Wyatt's storyline alive without Windham Rotunda in front of and behind the camera pulling the strings.

Reflecting on the then-forthcoming return on his Tuesday With the Taskmaster podcast, Kevin Sullivan let it be known that he wasn't too sure how the group would work, as he loved Wyatt but felt as though this new group may not elicit the same feelings if executed poorly.

“He [Wyatt] entertained people like nobody else in years. The Undertaker said he should've been the one to beat him for The Streak… Where do you go with this where people don't say, ‘Oh, that's good, but it wasn't as good as with Bray?'” Kevin Sullivan explained via 411 Mania.

“The trolls will have a field day on this subject; not that this matters, but it's going to be very, very… to me, they're on a tightrope. One side's ice, one side's fire… They can't go so far that they turn the people off, because these guys are pigeonholed. These guys deserve a chance.”

Eric Bischoff, too, commented on the situation, letting fans know on his 83 Weeks podcast that he was worried about the “level of risk” in bringing the group to the forefront, as it could go over very well or fail in a spectacular way.

“I have such a strong but mixed feeling. One part of me is thinking, man, that would be so cool, I mean, that would be, if it works that would be such a cool thing for everybody, including Bray, but the odds of it working are pretty risky, and if it doesn't work it will be more impactful than any other idea would if it didn't work,” Eric Bischoff explained via EWrestling News.

“I mean there's going to be so much focus on it, it's going to go either way if they do it, and if it goes great, it's going to go awesomely, but if it doesn't go great, it's going to go really really bad and that level of risk it's just there, so it makes me a little bit uncomfortable with it.”

Well, through one, five-ish minute segment, it would appear WWE is off to a great track with the Wyatt Sick6, but hey, who knows, maybe these former WCW legends will ultimately be right in the end, as plenty of acts have had great debuts only to fall short of expectations when the storyline is all said and done.