Swarm, the series about a character named Dre who's obsessed with Ni'Jah, had a few episode cowritten by Malia Obama. Former President Barack Obama, of course, watched the show. He gave his take on the drama series, and he admitted it was “a little disturbing,” per The Hollywood Reporter.
Speaking with Hasan Minhaj on his YouTube channel, Obama said he watched Swarm because he wanted to support his daughter. It helped that Donald Glover was involved, too. “I watched it because, A) I was a big fan of Atlanta,” he said. “And I watched it because my daughter worked on it. So, of course, I’ve got to watch it.”
Minhaj asked Obama about the show’s pilot, which featured a voyeuristic sex scene. Khalid (played by Damson Idris) and Marissa (Chloe Bailey) were having sex while the main character Dre (Dominique Fishback) watched through a crack in the door.
“Look, if what you are suggesting is that there are aspects of that show that I found a little disturbing,” the former president said. “That’s the nature of art these days, and at [this] moment, and that’s OK.”
Malia Obama was welcomed to the writers room early in the development of the series. “Swarm follows Dre, who travels cross-country to see Beyoncé-like figure Ni’Jah at Bonaroo. Along the way, she meets a slew of characters and commits a slew of crimes, many of which include murder,” according to THR.
Barack Obama also spoke about Best of lists that he releases each year, mental health, why it’s important to continue to fight climate change even though it can feels hopeless, and the upcoming presidential election, and more.