The Denver Broncos just got manhandled by the Miami Dolphins, and it wasn't pretty. How bad was it? Well, the Dolphins dropped 70 points on the Denver defense, and they did it with relative ease. Suffice to say, Denver was not able to match Miami's insane production, and lost 70 – 20.

A loss this bad is ridiculously rare in the NFL. You have to wonder if the Broncos were disheartened after suffering this loss to the Dolphins. Well, head coach Sean Payton seems to still exhibit some confidence that Denver can turn their season around, per Mike Klis.

“Sean Payton: “To the fans, we’re going to work our tail off and get this ship straightened away. That’s going to happen.” #9sports”

Most of the talk will naturally be about the Broncos defense, and rightfully so. Giving up 70 points is unbelievably bad, and the Dolphins had a chance of breaking the scoring record had they not decided to eat the clock up instead. However, it's also fair to point out that this was a failure on both ends of the ball.

Russell Wilson played decently, but that wasn't enough to cover up his team's mistakes. The offense also didn't do their defense any favors. The Dolphins offenseoften had good field position, whether it was due to Broncos turnovers (2 fumbles and 1 INT) or just poor play from the offense. The team also seemed to lose the will to fight.

The Broncos will now prepare to face the Chicago Bears in what will surely be a sloppy and messy fight. These are arguably the two worst teams in the NFL, both in terms of standings and in their general play. Buckle up folks: we might witness greatness next week.