Who knew? A legendary scene in Kingsman was almost cut out of the film. Thank God it wasn't…

Director Matthew Vaughn discussed how the studio wanted him to remove it. On top of that, they approached him about this three days before the film's release.

What scene are we talking about? It's the badass church scene in Kingsman: The Secret Service, where Colin Firth takes care of many attendees, one after the other. Arguably, it is the movie's most iconic scene- all set to the song Free Bird.

BroBible's Post Credit Podcast talked with Vaughn all about it, where he revealed that the scene was almost shelved.

“You start with a tricky, big scene, it clears the pipes and we're in it, and you've got to concentrate,” the director said. “We're also not exhausted, so we've got a chance at maybe making it work. But the thing about the church sequence, the studio was begging me to cut it three days before the film came out.”

Luckily, it stayed in, even though it was an issue from the start.

“They were all very worried about it,” he said. “And when a lot of people [would] say, ‘Ah, you shouldn't have this sequence in the movie.' Creative opinion is…everyone's right and everybody's wrong. What some people love, other people hate. But it is what it is: that's art. And a lot of people were telling me, ‘You can't have the church sequence,' so there was a moment where I was like, ‘Well, maybe I shouldn't put it in the movie.' But, in the end, I went, ‘Nah, I really like it, I'm keeping it in.'”

Matthew Vaughn's intuition paid off. It's one of the most memorable action sequences in film history — and the best in the Kingsman franchise.