Matthew Lillard, known for his portrayal of Stu Macher in Wes Craven's 1996 slasher classic “Scream,” has dashed hopes of his character's return to the franchise, leaving many horror fans crestfallen, Uproxx reports. Despite persistent theories about Stu's survival after the events in the original film, Lillard doesn't foresee reprising the role anytime soon.

The fate of Stu Macher, alongside Skeet Ulrich's Billy Loomis, has tantalized Scream aficionados for years. Lillard's tweet in 2020 sparked speculation regarding Stu's potential survival, questioning whether his character's demise was as conclusive as believed.

Recent nods to Stu's possible survival emerged in “Scream VI,” where Jasmin Savoy Brown's character hinted at doubts about his death. However, despite open ends and gaps in the cast, Lillard remains pragmatic about the chances of returning to the iconic role.

In a candid conversation with Collider, Lillard disclosed his indifference towards Stu Macher, likening the role to a job performed years ago. He emphasized his appreciation for the opportunity but underscored its professional nature, separating personal attachment from his acting career.

However, Lillard's sentiments don't extend to the Scream fandom. He expressed profound gratitude and respect for fans, acknowledging the significance of the franchise in their lives. While his personal investment in the character might be limited, he deeply values the impact it has had on devoted viewers and newcomers alike.

“What is important to me is that what it means to other people is deeply relevant when you see them all the time, and powerful,” Lillard shared, recognizing the emotional resonance the franchise holds for its audience.

With Lillard's pragmatic stance and a clear disconnection from his character, the prospects of seeing Stu Macher resurrected in the upcoming Scream VII appear bleak.