The Judgement Day formed on April 3rd last year and has had an interesting ten months on the main roster. Edge was the original founding member of the group, and nearly a year later, he's feuding with the same members he brought to the stable. The Judgement Day is composed of Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley, and Dominik Mysterio.

Although Finn Balor is viewed as the group's leader, it doesn't seem like there's a clear leader. Damian Priest has been in the group the longest and is competing for the United States Championship at Elimination Chamber, while Finn Balor and Rea Ripley will battle Edge and Beth Phoenix at the same event. The Judgement Day is made up of four superstars who act like bullies and go after any and everyone on the roster. I'm still unsure what their mission or purpose is, but they're still going strong nearly a year after forming. They must be doing something right if Triple H hasn't given up on them yet.

With the first anniversary of The Judgement's Day formation on the horizon, we're ranking each member.

5. Edge

Edge is last on the list because he wasn't in the group long enough to make a lasting impact. I'm still confused why WWE would have Edge be the leader in the first place when he got kicked out of the group after only two months as the leader. I think the worst part of Edge's time in The Judgement Day is that he cut his hair and changed his theme song for the group. Those are big no-nos. After this awful start, I'm shocked The Judgement Day is still going strong.

4. Damian Priest

Damian Priest is a great wrestler, but his character doesn't do it for me. Priest has been in The Judgement Day longer than any other member but seems to be the least important. I think Priest has the size and athleticism to be a star on the main roster but is being held back. WWE puts more of a focus on the other members of the group than they do Priest. It's great that he'll be competing for a singles title in the Elimination Chamber, but he still deserves better. He should be involved in more important storylines and be presented as a threat in The Judgement Day. Damian Priest isn't scary or intimidating, even though that's how his character should be presented. The Judgement Day has improved over the last few months, but let's hope Damian Priest gets a more significant push in 2023.

3. Finn Balor

I hate that I'm putting Finn Balor third on this list. Balor is legitimately one of the best wrestlers on the planet but isn't being treated as one. Why hasn't Balor gone on a title run since being in The Judgement Day? If Finn Balor is supposed to be the group's leader, why hasn't he found much success since joining them? Balor is an afterthought compared to the other stars on the main roster. Even though he's in The Judgement Day, he should still be feuding with the top stars on the roster. Finn Balor hasn't felt important in some time, which needs to change. Balor makes the most of every match he's in and always looks great, but he deserves a lot better.

2. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio's career turned around after joining The Judgement Day. For months, The Judgement Day tried recruiting Mysterio into the group. Since Dominik debuted on the main roster, he's only been teaming with his father. Mysterio's character became stale fast, and fans hadn't noticed much improvement from him as time went on. Once he turned on his father and Edge at Clash at the Castle, that all changed. Since then, Dominik Mysterio has been a weekly highlight of Monday Night Raw. His prison character is golden, and his work with Rhea Ripley is excellent. Joining The Judgement Day saved Mysterio's career. It'll take some time, but with more improvement on the mic and in the ring, he can become a star in the next few years. I never thought I'd be sitting here typing this, but it's true.

1. Rhea Ripley

Rhea Ripley is the MVP of The Judgement Day. After Damian Priest, Ripley was the second member that Edge recruited to the group. Ripley has always been incredible, but her goth character is fearsome and works perfectly with the group. In all honesty, she should be the leader of The Judgement Day. She's involved in major storylines, and the group doesn't hold her back, unlike Finn Balor. She won the 2023 Women's Royal Rumble and will challenge Bianca Belair for the Raw Women's Championship at WrestleMania. If Ripley wins this match (she should), she'll be the first member to bring gold to The Judgement Day. The sky is the limit for Rhea Ripley. I hope her trajectory stays the same and The Judgement Day doesn't halt her rise to the top of the women's division.

That is how I would rank every former and current member of The Judgement Day. Although I think the group has improved since Triple H took over, there's still plenty of work to do. I hope The Judgement Day gets a serious push after WrestleMania and can solidify itself as one of the top stables in the company, right behind the Bloodline.

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