The ending of last week's installment saw Nick Fury head out on his own as a wanted man by most governments in Europe. With Gravik consolidating power as the new Skrull general, it seems that Fury has his work cut out for him. But that conclusion may not be all what it seems, especially with the revelation that the former SHIELD director is married to a Skrull. We take a look at this Secret Invasion episode 3 ending explained to learn what went down.

Secret Invasion episode 3 ending explained

Secret Invasion, Marvel, EntertainmentIn this Secret Invasion episode 3 recap, we see Pagon explain to Beto their plan to stir up chaos as a means of securing their people's future. He then hands out a couple of identities they're going to assume for their plan to work. Meanwhile, in another part of New Skrullos, Gravik shows the machine being built by Doctor Rosa Dalton to the Skrull Council and explains what Pagon's team is going to do.

Their attack will force Earth's heroes to react, and the ensuing battle will allow them to gain abilities of their own using the said machine. Gravik further explains that Pagon's attack will be the start of an all-out war on Earth and that they will take advantage of all the chaos that follows.

Going back to New York in 1998, we see a young Fury enter a diner to meet Varra. The two talk about the latter's mission before transitioning to flirting with each other. Moving back to the present, we see Fury have breakfast with Varra as the two talk about why he's back on Earth after being gone for a long time. The conversation becomes a fight as Fury questions Varra if he's been in touch with Gravik as she responds with his decision to leave her after returning from the Blip. Varra leaves after taking a call, an act Fury is highly suspicious of.

In New Skrullos, Gravik airs his suspicion to G'iah that someone must have outed Brogan to the authorities, which led to his arrest last episode. G'iah deflects his accusation by saying Brogan is weak as Gravik orders her to accompany him the following day. After that confrontation, Gravik takes G'iah to meet Talos to negotiate his daughter's safety. With the Skrull general stepping out of the car, G'iah sends a text message about the upcoming attack and its exact time.

Inside a museum, Talos speaks to Gravik alone and tells the younger Skrull to cease his plans of taking over the planet. After threatening to kill G'iah, Talos jumps at him, causing the disguised Skrulls within the vicinity to shape-shift to Gravik's human form. The general signals them to go back to their disguises as he goes to justify killing all the humans to take over their planet. For his part, Talos promises he wouldn't let Gravik have the advantage of anonymity when he decides to start his war.

In response, Gravik brings G'iah up again, prompting Talos to attack him. He threatens the younger Skrull to leave his daughter out of his plans before leaving. Outside the museum, a stranger hands Talos a phone before disappearing. Gravik then enters G'iah's car and leaves with her.

Fury meets Talos inside a bar and informs him that a Skrull is occupying a high position in the United States government and needs to be taken out. Talos refuses at first but gives in after Fury begged him. As they're traveling together, Talos reveals that G'iah is acting as his informant on the inside by leaking Gravik's plans to him. With the information passed by Talos' daughter, Fury calls Sonya Falsworth and tells her the Neptune, a British submarine, is about to be attacked by Skrulls, and used to start World War III. She then gives the identity and location of Neptune's commanding officer to Fury to help him with his ordeal – Commodore Robert Fairbanks.

During the drive to the said location, Talos reveals that he and other Skrulls served as his secret spy network over the years to help Fury ascend the ranks and become director of SHIELD. Shortly after, they arrive at their target's location, only to discover that Fairbanks has taken Talos hostage while Fury has his son at gunpoint. They agree to release each other's hostages as Fury discovers that the Neptune is about to commence its attack on a United Nations plane.

While interrogating Fairbanks, it's revealed that he is a Skrull in disguise after Talos offered to protect him from Gravik. The negotiation turns for the worse as Fairbanks refuses to give the code that will abort the Neptune's attack, causing Fury to shoot him in the leg. Talos tells him to walk away as he's going to try to get it from Fairbanks. Unfortunately, Talos shoots him in the heart after mentioning G'iah.

With the disguised Fairbanks dead, Talos calls his daughter in an attempt to get his launch termination password. G'iah gets the code from the real Fairbanks being held in New Skrullos, blowing her cover in the process. Talos then uses the information to abort the Neptune's attack. Meanwhile, G'iah prepares to escape from New Skrullos.

Shortly after, Fury talks about Gravik's earlier offer of teaming up with Talos to take over Earth. Talos reiterates that he chose to side with Fury instead of going with Gravik. While this is happening, G'iah is caught by the Skrull general and is be executed for being a traitor to their cause.

Varra receives a call and decides to leave her home right away. She proceeds to retrieve a case, finds a handgun inside it, and gets a call asking her to proceed to Saint James in an hour. Varra replies that he wants to speak to Gravik, but the voice on the other end says she's going to be speaking to him, and not the Skrull general.

What just happened? A Secret Invasion episode 3 recap

In this Secret Invasion episode 3 recap, viewers finally saw Gravik make his move to ignite World War III as a plan to shoot down a U.N. plane using a British submarine is well underway. Fury leaves Varra at home and goes with Talos to foil this plan. Before that happens, though, the former Skrull leader tries to negotiate with Gravik to halt his plans but fails to make him see reason in the end.

Fury and Talos succeed in stopping the attack but at the cost of G'iah blowing up her cover in New Skrullos. Gravik then catches her and executes Talos daughter before she can even escape. The episode ends with Varra seemingly out to take Gravik on her own, which would play out in next week's episode of Secret Invasion. Until then stay tuned to this Marvel series and ClutchPoints Entertainment for more updates.