Due to a leak from various retailers, the download size and preload date for the upcoming open-world space game Starfield have been revealed.

The information comes courtesy of Insider Gaming. According to them, various retailers like Amazon. On the Amazon page for an Xbox Series S and Starfield bundle, various details about the game were available. One such detail stated the following:

Pre-load after 08/09/2023. Game will be playable after 09/06/2023.

This means that players who preorder the game will be able to preload it on said date: August 9, 2023. This is a full month or so before the game's full release. As for the size, it's actually been known for quite a while how big the game is. When looking at the game's system requirements on Steam, it says that the game will require 125GB of available space.

By combining these two pieces of information together, we can expect the preload size to be around that much. Players who have preordered the game should make sure that they have enough space in their consoles and computers for the game. For PC players in particular, they have to make sure that their SSDs have enough space. This is because the game requires players to install the game on an SSD to play it.

Personally, players can likely hold off on preloading the game for quite a while. Since the game doesn't come out until September 6, 2023, players can postpone preloading the game until around a week or so before that date. That way, players can still use the 125GB for the preload for other games.

Starfield is perhaps one of the most anticipated games this year. This isn't only because it's Bethesda's newest IP, but also because of the game's sheer scale. From the in-depth dialogue of more than 250,000 lines to the vast universe that's open for exploration, and even the return of one of gaming's most loved/hated NPCs, players all over the world have high expectations for the game.

That's all the information we have about Starfield's preload date and download size. Check out our gaming news articles for the latest in gaming news.