The new EA Sports NCAA 25 video game is coming out this summer, and the whole college football world is excited for its release. The game hasn't come out since 2014, but now that players are able to profit off of their name, image and likeness, the game was able to make a return. Fans are excited for it, and so are the players. In fact, Texas A&M football coach Mike Elko might have to have a bit of chat with his Aggies about how often they should be playing the game.

Mike Elko has apparently had some issues with video games before. When a hot new game comes out during the season, it can become a distraction, and players can spend hours at night playing the game. Elko has had this issue in the past with a Call of Duty game that came out in the middle of the football season.

“In full disclosure, because I’ve been a part of this before, you can’t imagine how much the release of a hot new video game can impact your football team,” Elko said, according to an article from Football Scoop. “I remember going all the way back to when the second Call of Duty came out and it got released in October in the middle of one of our football seasons.”

Now, these players have one of the hottest new video games coming out about a month before their season, and they will also be in the video game. That could certainly be a recipe for a lot of hours spent playing the game, and Elko will have to keep his Texas A&M football team in check.

The official trailer and covers for the game were recently released, and we now know that the game will come out on July 19th. Texas A&M will kick their season off on August 31st in a huge home game against Notre Dame.

Mike Elko might need to have a chat with his team

Texas A&M Aggies head coach Jimbo Fisher and defensive coordinator Mike Elko prior to the game against the Kent State Golden Flashes at Kyle Field.
© Maria Lysaker-USA TODAY Sports

The last time Mike Elko had to deal with a video game issue with his team, he had to hold some meetings. He apparently had players staying up deep into the night when the team had early morning practices. He can't afford for that to happen with this year's Texas A&M football team.

“We literally were having meetings with our defense about why it was not good to say up until four in the morning playing call of duty,” Elko said. “We had practice at 7 o'clock the next morning.”

The good news for Elko and the Aggies is that this game is coming out before the season starts, but it is still very close to the beginning of the year, and practices/workouts will be happening. Everybody is going to be playing this game when it first comes out, but the Aggies will have to make sure to play in moderation to avoid a situation similar to the Call of Duty game.

Mike Elko is close to starting his first season with the Texas A&M football team. He likely didn't anticipate a video game being a potential road block during his first offseason, but hey, it could something much worse.